Frank + Laura + Tamoa’s Special Day (Updated)

Three Caracas-based journalists were honored at the Columbia Journalism School’s Cabot Prizes this year: the AP’s legendary Frank Bajak takes a prize, while one time Ultimas Noticias investigative power duo Laura Weffer and Tamoa Calzadilla get a special citation. Their awards are richly deserved.

Three of their highlights: Bayak’s story on the colectivos in Venezuela (co-authored with Fabiola Sanchez), Weffer’s story on the guarimbas, and the Últimas Noticias story on the videos surrounding the February 12th shooting that has landed Leopoldo López in jail.


PS.- Frank gently reminded us that he’s not actually based in Caracas, but has gone many times and was in charge in 2013 …

3 thoughts on “Frank + Laura + Tamoa’s Special Day (Updated)

  1. These are, no doubt, good choices. But, if I can’t vote for F. Toro because blogs don ‘t count, then I support Anatoly Kurmanaev of Bloomberg. He has had five or six exceptional stories this year.


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