6 thoughts on “Bucaramanga Calling

  1. Next stop–Kalamazoo?? Seriously, your/groups’ book is excellent, as are your exemplary efforts on this Blog. All the best!


  2. Switching planes in Bogotá just now.

    Chamo, en Venezuela habrá escacez de toda vaina, pero aquí la cosa es mucho más agresiva: hay escacez de OXIGENO! wheez-wheeezh…recórcholis…my head’s still spinning…


    • Come on Kico, are you one of those Caraqueños that go to the Laguna de Mucubaji and start looking like a ghost after 10 min walking? … ha,ha :P


  3. I hope your book sales are not affected in any way by the recent capture of two colombianos (18 and 22 years old), who received at Hotel Guaracarumbo (Los Teques), laser-equipped armaments, plus — and this is important — photos of Maduro and Diosdado — in case they needed pictorial reference, prior to their target assassinations.



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