49 thoughts on “Department of Comes-Round-Once-a-Year

  1. “Remembering the fall of a Venezuelan strongman.”
    Hoping to read this headline somewhere around October, 2013.


  2. So, what a diffrence between this debate and the others. I love you, Globo!

    Winner: MCM. Serious and tough.
    Runner-Up: Tie of LL & DA. Leo is getting better at this, Diego is better than last week.
    Frontrunner: HCR sticks too much to the script. PP tries to imitate HCR’s style unsuccessfully.
    Pablo Medina knows what he’s doing. He doesn’t care anymore.

    Second block. The Federal state and decentralization. And here. we. go.


  3. When HCR talks about his experience from the heart, I believe him. More of that please.
    Leopoldo sells decentralization well. Pablo Medina insists with the constituyente and pr.oposes municipalization. Pablo Perez starts with a love metaphor (#What?) and then talks about the debt of the central government with the states. He finally sounds convincing. MCM talks about her “alliances” and supports parish Boards (#Cool). Diego defends the role of CAP in implementing decentralization. Part of IVA must go for the states and bringing back the Senate.


    • Ugh. Bringing back the Senate?! Talk about a disconnect with the problems of real people. Diego Arria jumped the shark a while ago.


  4. If you’re president, what will you do with states?

    LL: Federal Council on first day. Security is priority one. Promote Competition.
    PM: Incorporate society, like universities. A planning council with unions, churches, colleges. Not bad.
    PP: Reunions and projects with governors. Coordinate themselves. Says consejos comunales are not new.
    MCM: Transparency in the budget. Give states their whole situados. keeping local taxes in states.
    DA: I was governor first (#Boom!). International cooperation.
    HCR: Getting governments closer to people. President must help states to be successful.


  5. Brilliant set, professional moderator, well organized program. Amazing how that environment has brought out the best in all candidates; they’re really belting it out. I could easily vote for a few that I hadn’t considered viable, before. I agree with geha’s observations. And yeah, PPs love metaphor was a bit much. Sí miamor.


  6. Give financial resources to the states, how?

    PM: Oil and IVA are enough. The problem now is political. Insists in his National Planning Council
    PP: Communication with all institutions. He promises not to be reelected. Major public works.
    MCM: what could have done with chavez secret funds? People can participate in budget. Strict accountability for everybody.
    DA: Create new ways of income (#WhyNot?). Bringing industries here. Innovation.
    HCR: remembers a previous CFG. State Treasury Bill, still pending. Work with Comunal Councils.
    LL: More resources. Strong economy. Doubling oil production. Solidarity fund. Permanent consulting.

    #WOW. Globo has done it. Everybody is a winner in this segment. #AWESOME!

    Next, Venezuela’s role in the world.

    Who would have thought that this debate is a million miles better than those in the U.S.?


  7. PP’s answer brilliant. We are in a globalized world. We can’t have another axis (polo).
    MCM’s answer hitting on giving monies to Nicaragua and Argentina when there are communities in Venezuela that are a mess. No more Cubans.
    DA – we must talk, not about the future, but about the present. didn’t catch the rest.
    HCR – acuerdos bilaterales have benefitted other countries. we have become a buying country. we should be exporting — more than just petroleum.
    LL – security, combatting crime at the borders, we must form alliances with Colombia. We must export more.
    PM – this country’s constitution talks about a zone of peace, but the reverse is happening.


  8. I’m amazed. The lack of debates is actually a good thing. For it bring out ideas that would be tossed aside, in favour of confrontation.


  9. Venezuela and globalization. Role in the world.

    PP: We can’t be isolated. Alliance with democratic nations. A foreign minister that knows its stuff.
    Knowledge revolution. Not giving away money.
    MCM: Deep change in foreign policy. Talks about Barquisimeto suffering and compares it to helping Nicaragua. No cuban intervention.
    DA: Mafias are our biggest trade partners. Oil alone is not the answer for our future.
    HCR: Pais soberano. Deals with other countries where we only buy. More exports.
    LL: Security, employment and fight poverty will be bases of foreign policy. Help Colombia to fight FARC and stuff.
    PM: Weird relationship with Colombia. Giving the esequibo. Talks about the consulate

    What alliances with other countries?

    MCM: Review all treaties. This government is chaos. No support to rogue regimes.
    DA: Venezuela is disconnected of the world. Return to the Andean Community.
    HCR: Relations with democracies. Integration is OK. Promote foreign investments.
    LL: Multipolar world. values must be included in ofreign policy. Oppose human rights abuses.
    PM: I’m agree with UNASUR but review relations. No support for Chinese and Iranian secret deals.
    PP: Support return to the CAN. Staying in OPEC. Defending our territory.


  10. How foreign relations help the poor?

    DA: Help quality of life. Bashes Iran. Lack of transparency. Becoming failed state.
    HCR: No ideology in foreign relations. No more oil blackmail.
    LL: Employment. Helps economy and food sufficiency. Make more venezuelan products.
    PM: Policy of peace and integration. No more port socialism.
    PP: Prepare our youth with scholarships. Learn languages. Universities can make
    MCM: Current foreign policy makes life hard to all of us. No foreign agents in our government.
    Fight organized crime. Little bitchslap to HCR.

    How to rebuild the image of the country?

    HCR: We can be the best country (#AWWWW). Impulse tourism. Ignores MCM bitchslap.
    LL: Talks about the Vinotinto. A winning Venezuela. Promote sports and arts. Give hope and opportunities.
    PM: Talks about immigrants. GIve an image of success to the world.
    PP: Lead by example. Prepare human capital. Reactivate economy. Strong middle class.
    MCM: Talks about immigrants too. Diversity is strength. Our best thing is our people.
    DA: We’re not the best country in the world right now, but we can aspire to be. Talks about his experince in the UN Security Council.

    Last segment, economy. #VivaVenezuelaCarajo!


  11. glad that DA sounded a realistic note, when all candidates gave their vision of why Venezuela is the best country. DA said when there is no employment, etc…. this cannot be the best country.


  12. Can efforts of workers be rewarded? Can we become a first world economy?

    LL: A Made in venezuela economy. More efficency and solidarity. Better rights for workers.
    PM: “Republic of Work”. Alliance between workers, business and state. Industrialize oil. More jobs.
    PP: Generate trust. Promote private investing. Clear rules. Respect of private property. Social security.
    MCM: Alliance for productivity. The state must focus on health, education, security and credits. Recalls his
    DA: talks about La Carolina. Praises farmers. Focus in globalization. Regain US as our partner.
    HCR: Teamwork. State alone can create jobs. talks about his program in Miranda.

    OIl is king here. What it can give to the people?

    PM: PDVSA must focus in oil only. Reactivate production and industralization. Reactivate Guayana.
    PP: OIl have a debt with us. Abandoning rentist economy. No more giving away. Infrastructure. Focus in Social Security.
    MCM: Moral duty to increase oil production. Open oil market to private companies.
    DA: Create conditions. The fired PDVSA workers are helping Colombia.
    HCR: Oil alone is not enough. Expropations are bad. Oil can help to diversify economy.
    LL: Oil centennial in 2014. Oil is a blessing. Doubling production to investing here by the solidarity.

    Fight Poverty. Give oportunities.

    PP: Must return to social mobility. I believe in you. Because of that I will be president.
    MCM: Popular capitalism. Create investing, so people can fulfill their dreams. PYMES. Young people can start their own business.
    DA: Sorry for raining on your parade. Rescue liberty first. Change system.
    HCR: Bus of progress. Talks about the brazillian economy. Implemented Zero Hunger program in Miranda.
    LL: I spoke to Former President Cardoso. Fight inflation. A growing economy is not enough. Health and education to fght poverty.
    PM: I’m a friend of Lula. Stop harrasing unions.


  13. Last question, if you have finished your term.

    MCM: No more cadenas, justice for expropations and no more pressure to public employees. Cubans out. Indult political prisorens. Courage is the key. Expropiar es robar. Hope is coming.
    DA: I finished my three years of transition. We did what’s necessary for the next generation.
    HCR: Venezuela of progress. Build the schools that we needed. Hospitals that work. Less talk, more results. I’ll be the president of all venezuelans. God willing.
    LL: Focus in next 20 or 30 years. One million people out of poverty. The country is more peaceful and optimistic. Unity is key for victory. Tomorrow a key announcement. #UH-OH.
    PM: Productive country. Help the enviroment. Chavez has attacked me. Vote without fear.
    PP: I won’t go for re-election. I love my sons, my wife and my family. I make them proud. I want people to say Pablo delivered. Tarjeta unica.

    Take a bow, all of you. I returned in a while.


    • The question asked participants to project into the future and look back on what they acccomplished.
      MCM didn’t answer the question. Her focus was on promoting her vision .. and plugging herself as president (Vote for me.).
      HCR and PM also had trouble with answering the question directly.
      I saw LL write the question down, at the start. That was good. Kept him clear.
      DA was succinct, answered he’d create the opportunity to even hand over the presidency to MCM.
      PP was all-family-all-the-time. Happy Birthday, son (who just turned 9). Had created the Venezuela where he and his family could step outside with their heads held high. Wouldn’t seek re-election. (But … what was that, when he mentioned 2019??? It confused me.)


      • I think the question was kind of confusing. #YouCan’tWinThemAll.

        The candidates did what they could. It was kind of a curveball. Didn’t saw it coming.

        OT: Suck on that, panorama. You got served tonight.

        PS: Just saw the clip of Leopoldo again. “De la mano con henrique, voy a hacer un anuncio importante. Buenas Noticias.” Oh My!


  14. In the meantime, Mitt and Newt are destroying each other in Florida.

    And Obama is laughing all the way to November.

    A night of two debates. Who would thought ours is better?


  15. I’m watching Buenas Noches and reading twitter. My take of this debate will come tomorrow.

    The Leo announcement could change everything. Thanks, everybody. Good night. Geha out.


  16. Has anybody seen the pictures of armed kids on the 23 de Enero barrio?

    your take on this? I dont know what to think.


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