
We usually send our fellow blogger Setty heaps of praise, most of it deserved. But this one left me scratching my head. About the elections in Peru, Setty says: What a surprise. Peruvian institutions fail to listen to the public, demonstrators are routinely shot dead, and vast areas of the country live without electricity, paved…


Daniel, in a thoughtful post on the Peruvian election, sides with … yours truly. Not only that, he lays down the gauntlet, lumping Quico together with his nickname thief! The money quote: Tonight I was very briefly watching Buenas Noches in Globovision, another example of shitty choice between utter idiocy and utter evil at VTV. …

The Peruvian Debacle

I spent most of last night in a state of catatonic shock at what happened in Peru. Just slowly rocking back and forward in my chair muttering “no, no, no, no puede ser…” That Humala sends a cold shiver of dread down my spine will not surprise my readers. The amazing thing is that he’s…

Hugo Chávez: Toxic Brand

How toxic has the Chávez brand gotten in Latin America? So toxic that even the candidates the guy has bought and paid for are forced to distance themselves repeatedly from him in public to preserve their electoral viability. It’s gotten to the point where even if he won, Humala couldn’t afford the political capital it would…