Tarjeta Única, and Four Documents Nobody Has Seen

chuoLast night, MUD Secretary General Chuo Torrealba announced the opposition coalition has agreed to go to December 6th elections with a “Tarjeta Única”: a single spot on the ballot box, rather than different parties in the coalition each running their own party symbols around a single candidate.

That’s good news.

Then he announced the MUD had approved four strategy documents setting out in detail their plans for how they would win the majority in the National Assembly and what they would do with that majority once they had it:

Except, the four documents are nowhere to be seen! Chuo doesn’t link to them on Twitter. It’s been 12 hours since the announcement and they’re not on the MUD Web Page…nobody seems to have them!

I’m sorry but this kind of thing really bugs me. Because it’s not the first time. Last week, it was Henrique Capriles rambling incoherently as he presented an “economic plan” based on a document he described but never produced.

Now, MUD is trying to persuade the country it has the competence to run parliament…but they can’t get it together to publish a damn document online?! It’s the kind of Bush League public relations amateurism that leaves even their natural allies thinking they lack the basic seriousness and competence to govern.

En serio, guys, it’s 2015. Call your children and ask them to explain Dropbox to you.

30 thoughts on “Tarjeta Única, and Four Documents Nobody Has Seen

    • I agree with GT. You gotta give them a chance it’s been like 14 hours. If they don’t publish it today or latest tomorrow then something is wrong


    • Perdoname, GTAVEX, pero si el “chairman” de la MUD anuncia que tienen 4 documentos y no los tienen listos entonces que diga algo cuando los tengan listos para distribuir.

      Es bien sencillo, no hace falta un PHD para entender eso.

      La imagen que eso da es que son unos chapuceros.

      Y a decir verdad, son unos chapuceros de primera.


      • Muchos documentos publicos primero se anuncian y luego se presentan , eso es habitual y acostumbrado , cual es el desespero , primero se crea el interes la expectativa , luego se satisface , los venezolanos nos encanta destrozar y encontrarle el pero a todo quizas para darnos lija de que somos tan exigentes y perfeccionistas , la madurez es entender que nada es perfecto , que todo producto humano tiene o se le pueden encontrar fallas, que nadie batea 1000 !! por eso es licito señalar lo que nos merece alguna reserva pero sin tanto aspaviento y escandalo , sin ensañarnos con la gente .

        David Brooks una ves escribio un articulo donde alababa la humildad epistemica , la capacidad de la gente de no prentender saberlo todo y su critica a la idea de que los que no lo saben todo merecen nuestra ignominia , comparto la idea que nada humana escapa al error y que por tanto la actitud intelectualmente madura es ser mas tolerantes , menos vociferantes cuando alguien no le sale sus esfuerzos perfectos . !!


        • Bill:

          Ningun desespero. Simplemente me parece poco profesional que uno anuncie que tiene unas propuestas para luego decir “pero te las muestro luego”. Por eso los llamo chapuceros. Es poco serio, IMHO.

          O es que subir 4 PDF tarda horas o dias?

          Si no los tienes, no digas nada hasta que puedas decir
          “Aqui estan, Sras y Sres. Con estas propuestas vamos a trabajar.”

          Si yo hubiese hecho lo mismo en cualquier trabajo que he tenido, como minimo quedaria como una persona poco seria.

          El problema que yo tengo es que no es la primera vez que hacen esto.

          Y yo entiendo que la vida alla no es facil, que los persiguen, les pinchan los telefonos, etc.

          Pero conchale, manejar las apariencias es vital, y es algo sobre lo cual si tienen algo de control.


          • Quizas soy un observador mas viejo de procesos adversarios de este tipo o parecidos y estoy acostumbrado a apreciar las ventajas de ´la estrategia de no mostrar las ármas´con que se cuenta sino con cierta pausa y cautela. Ofrecer un perfil bajo al principio y luego mostrar el tramojo en el momento que puede tener maximo efecto. Eso de apresurarse es ingenuo y muchas veces contraproducente o como decia Balmes ‘ Prisa …pasion de necios !!


  1. I agree with you Francisco. The MUD need more professionalism and move to the XXI century’s technology.

    In the meantime go to FB and find Naky Soto last post.
    At least you can find some information there


  2. “¿Cuál es el plan?
    El plan es seguir lo que dice la constitución.”

    Ya con eso tienen el voto de la gente con neuronas funcionales.


    • El punto que veo que plantea Francisco Toro es que la MUD “debe” empezar a demostrar que pueden “ser” la diferencia y dejar lo pulpero detrás.
      Hasta ahora tenemos un régimen bien mediocre que se ha logrado mantener en el poder. Entonces uno se empieza a preguntar quien es mas mediocre.
      The MUD must step up!!!


    • Lol

      And on the other side of things, it is enough for anybody with working neurons to hear “el plan es proteger al pueblo.”

      Maybe they should just say “el plan es crear un pais perfecto,” then BOTH sides would agree!

      Sentimentalism, you wicked bitch…


  3. I agree wholeheartedly. The candidates and their party should’ve had this information along time ago. There should be a clear and consistent message on how to get out of the mess that were in. It takes two things to be a leader and they are both equally important. One is the ability to lead. The other is the appearance of being able to lead which instills confidence in those around you and makes people want them to have you as their leader. Either one of those things by itself is not enough. So far the opposition really hasn’t done much of either. They are going to blow the selection if they don’t give it their best shot and rise to the occasion. For one thing they need to have a very clear economic recovery plan that is endorsed by reputable economists. They need to show what steps they are going to take to assist faltering sectors of the economy, how they are going to get stimulus money and who they are going to give it to, how they are going to negotiate with the country’s debtholders and how they are going to get those sectors of the economy that are frozen due to outstanding foreign debt back on their feet. They need to not only be thinking about the upcoming assembly election but also the certain recall election next year.


  4. Systematically criticizing the MUD won’t get us far. First the are “ultra-derechistas” (Article attacking Freedy and VP) Then they are too “populistas”. (Article ttacking Capriles). Now they are incompetent when they issue very, very good news of the tarjeta unica, a strategy, promissing further details for today.

    As much as the MUD ain’t no British Parliament, “con amigos asi, quien necesita enemigos?!”

    MUD anunciará este jueves estrategia para las parlamentarias: “Tendremos tarjeta única” :



    • I think you have a point about how we come across on this blog, Not just about the opposition but about Venezuela in general. If you describe it accurately you sound like you’re attacking and tearing down. If you couch your words carefully in politically correct feel good talk then you really don’t give an accurate description, but you don’t scare away your audience and alienate yourself.


    • Criticizing the MUD, or whomever, is not only our right but also our obligation.

      Criticizing fairly, constructively and to encourage debate is not an attack, it is how corrections are made.

      The day we leave the Chavista nightmare behind us, you can be sure I and others will be criticizing whoever is in the chair in Miraflores (or the Assembly or wherever) in order to let them know what we think.

      If the MUD can’t take criticism then they are in the wrong business and should leave the field to others who can take it.


  5. Expresó que el primero de los documentos aprobados define los lineamientos de la estrategia unitaria para ganar la Asamblea Nacional que incluye “la solución a la crisis y cambio político”.

    “La estrategia aprobada destaca el respaldo a los presos,exiliados y perseguidos políticos, y a los familiares y victimas de la represión”.

    Torrealba explicó que el segundo documento aprobado propone que el nuevo parlamento genere “soluciones urgentes a la crisis económica,social y de la inseguridad”. Sostuvo que Impulsaran la “renovación del CNE y el TSJ llenando vacantes que surjan con apego a la Constitución”.

    Como parte del tercer acuerdo estará el compromiso de legislar para “reunificar al país, con una Ley de Amnistía”.

    En el cuarto documento aprobado hoy por la Unidad Torrealba develó que el mismo “define el Comando de Campaña unitario, que sera presentado al país en las próximas horas”.

    We’ll see, the Devil is always is the details.

    And I hope they don’t publish too many details. This is a filthy war against a despicable dictatorship. Are you gonna reveal all your strategies right before going to battle?

    Liked by 1 person

    • This isn’t a war that’s going to be won with a surprise attack. Elections are won with clear messages.

      It seems to me like the opposition is finally doing it’s homework the night before it’s due to use a school analogy. The election is forcing them to document their position. If an election wasn’t bearing down on them I doubt they’d be forming consensus and putting out these documents. That’s a shame.


  6. “Ley de Aministia”? Ay, que Chevere!! empleo pa todos los Chavistas con la MUD, perdon pa los ladrones y criminales, zero justucia, guiso, mas guiso y super guiso pa todos!!


  7. “The MUD need more professionalism and move to the XXI century’s technology.”

    Que ej esooo?? hajme el favol y noj habla en criollo.

    Ya tenemos toiitica la tecnologia con el Gran Legado de nuestro Comanadante Dupremo y Eterno Chavez Frias. Se llama Smartmatic. Una maquinitas que no son fasilitas de usar y no fallan!!


  8. Of course the MUD deserves much criticism, plus it doesn’t hurt much from this little platform, a blog read by a few exiled intellectuals, for the most part, hardly by any Chavista-Light under-educated voters which is the Target Audience of any MUD efforts..

    But this is hardly the day to attack them after such good news. Just because they have nor delivered some details they promised for today, yet. (Perhaps they should keep quiet about “strategies” in such a filthy fight against a Dictatorship, huh?)

    If we think, however, that the entire opposition’s objective is to convince the 1 million educated professionals who left Vzla, (you), or the already anti-maduro crowd, or the international observers that in the end do nothing for change, think again.

    Of course there are internal power struggles and differences in the mediocre MUD. They are Chavista light, corrupt, as all Kleptozuela is, ready for a piece of the pie, most of them. “Quitate-tu-pa-poneme yo”. Unprepared, politically and academically, opportunistic.

    Personally, I think the only solution for Vzla would be an authoritarian, right-wing type of corrective and constructive Regime. See MPJ, Pinochet or Singapore, yes. I have ZERO trust in the MUDcrap.

    Even if Leopoldo were president, and the best Economists on the planet or those who write on these blogs were his ministers. It’s a guaranteed Ad/Copey/Chavista-light Mega-Mess for decades to come, and that’s the best case scenario, if the Dictatorship is kicked out. Too much damage has been done in the past 60 years, at all levels of society, all “Fabrics”, all Industries, all institutions, for any corrupt-as always MUD, (now with “Amnesty..)”.. to fix Kleptozuela’s Huge, Profound Mess, in less than several decades.

    But that’s another story. Yesterday was a good day with tarjeta unica.


  9. También dijo que iba a hacer 50.000 protestas y que dos días después de las primarias iba a presentar al país la plancha unitaria. Pero démosle chance, vale


    • Lo arrecho es que llamaraon a protestar por el aniversario de el encarcelamiento de Leopoldo, y fue ademas la primera protesta que Chuo convoco como lider de la MUD.

      Tengo entendido que fueron unas 200 personas.


  10. Con amigos así, quien necesita enemigos….
    Me entristece el cambio de Caracas Chronicles. De promotor del cambio a enemigo declarado de la MUD.


  11. I just hope they have a Plan B in case CNE says that MUD, because its not a Political Party their canidates can not go under the MUD umbrella, that they need to separate even though it has happened before and we all know why, CNE makes / changes the rules as time goes by.

    Recent examples is the issue about the male female numbersand before that the Parlatino. This Parlatino is the mosr delicate because its in the law, CNE by Law is obligated to organize and have Paralatino elections, but we know also why they dont want them, because when results come in the proportions for Parlatino have to be similar to regional government non government votes and because CNE is going to mess with these numbers, its enough work to also fix the Parlatino vote, so they just dont prepare thos elections



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