61 thoughts on “Stop hating on queues!

    • Just a bunch of Pinocchio’s raping and pillaging the economy until they destroy it. What’s funny (strange – not ha ha) is that some of these burro’s actually think their lies are working. For all their self aggrandizing and puffing like peacocks they are the laughing stock of the world. Except the people who live in Venezuela are not laughing. They have no respect for themselves let alone their country because they are completely immersed in their own self importance to see that they will never earn any respect from the rest of the world, because the rest of the world can’t stop laughing long enough to give them any respect. Of course they haven’t learned that true respect is earned not bestowed with a Simon Bolivar Sword – real or fake.

      It is amazing that people with such enormous power do not have the power to truly see themselves.
      “I looked in the mirror and did not like what I saw so I banned all mirrors. “


      • Not only that, they round off years down to 10 months. I guess they’ll pat themselves on the back and tell us how they saved us two months.

        “El Gobierno de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela rechaza enérgicamente las declaraciones del Jefe del Comando Sur de los Estados Unidos de América, General Jhon Kelly, que cuestionan la voluntad y la acción incansable del Gobierno del Presidente Nicolás Maduro para combatir el tráfico de drogas.

        Desde la culminación de las relaciones con la DEA en el año 2005, institución que coordinaba con los carteles y los capos de la droga, Venezuela ha logrado incautar un promedio de 55,7 toneladas de droga al año, para totalizar la cantidad de 557,74 toneladas de estupefacientes de distinto tipo que pretendían transitar por nuestro territorio”


  1. So that’s what the Bolibanana strategy is, queues as a sign for items on sale to boost the economy, thanks for the tip VTV!!


  2. Nuestros estimados Bachaqueros tambien forman parte del Plan Multidimensional Bolivariano de Reactivacion Macro-Economica:

    1/ Los negocios benefician de su ganancia porcentual en cada venta al Sr. or Sra. Bachaquera.
    2/ A su vez, dicho nuevos Empresarios generan ganancias adicionales al revender sus productos. De tal manera, se reestablecen leyes saludables de oferta y demanda y todos ganamos el doble!


  3. Nonononononononono great balls of fire!!!! I really try not to be surprised by their doings but… Does the mention of “algun producto escaso” mean there´s a minimal recognition to “la escasez”?


      • i.e. like no biggie, doesn’t last long, good for small businesses (abastos chinos) as a way to promote the arrival of one product or another, and besides, the queueues are only 15 people long….


      • Except when there’s an economic war being waged upon us.

        Funny too how the line in the vid had “only 15 people!”

        Maybe on January 1st at 7am.


  4. Hay que ser bien cinico para atreverse a pasar ese corto en TV!!! Solo on bolivariano tiene tan poco sentido del ridiculo.


    • La desgracia es que eston son campanas de Marketing hechas por compania profesionales, supongo. Es decir, esto es lo que sacan, despues de su estudio de mercado, segun el “taget audience”.

      Si la cuña televisiva estuviese dirigida a una poblacion mas educada, hablarian entonces de “aproveche las colas para desarrollar sus aptitudes de Multi-Tasking y Social-Networking con todos sus amigos bachaqueros!”


  5. Impagable lo del video… muestra tanto el nivel de inteligencia de quienes lo hacen como el que esperan de sus televidentes… No sé cómo va a salir Venezuela de esta porque el chavismo no está dispuesto a marcharse por las buenas pero espero que termine lo antes posible esta desgracia.


  6. The government is so crazy that you can’t say for sure if this is a parody or an actual Telesur video. That’s how messed up the situation is.


  7. Ah, so you not only should do your queue of 15 (1500?) people because it helps the economy, but you should be damn grateful for the opportunity.
    I think our national slogan should be “Eat shit but with a smile on your face”.


    • I think this one’s better:

      “Be grateful that you are eating shit, you fucking ungrateful bastard!” —fider & shiabbe


  8. Lo mas relevante es lo que el mensaje nos revela de la cortedad mental de quien lo concibio y divulga , creer que el mismo va a persuadir a cualquier persona normal sobre la bondad de las colas que la atormentan es rallano con la imbecilidad , pensar que hay quien se vaya a creer el cuento indicio de que piensan que las gentes son debiles mentales !! Da verguenza ajena que haya quien desde el regimen haya pensado que este tipo de mensajes pueden ayudarlos !! Estan totalmente fuera de la realidad .!!


      • Some Chavista hard liners of course inhabit not reality but cloud cuckoo land , but even among them I doubt that the message that queues are GOOD or USEFUL rather than TOLERABLE has any takers . Even for most of them queues are unwelcome and irritating . !! The film (made by prochavista filmakers) you posted is a sign that even among hardline Chavista you cant find a group where there are no discontents !!


          • La mejor parte es cuando el chaburro se pone casi que a llorar luego de que alguien le responde sus burlas imbéciles.

            Así son los peores, con un tremendo complejo de superioridad metido en su trasero tan hondo que parece que se hubieran tragado una cabilla de tres metros: “Ay, sí, ahora yo soy la gran vaina porque formo parte de una revolución, por lo que todo el que odio tiene que besarme el trasero.”


          • La postura del Chavista agresivo que aparece en la cola es freneticamente defensiva , cerrada y desafiantemente irracional, no convence que este contento con la cola sino que como Chavista fanatico se la cala con aplomo y sin protestar , como quien se toma un purgante por que cree fervientemente en quien le impone tomarselo . , no es el argumento que usa el video de la propaganda VTV , que las colas son UTILES y BUENAS. Ese argumento no se lo cala nadie . Si el proposito del video de propaganda es convencer a la gente que vea el lado util de las colas entonces es evidente que fracasa estrepitosamente .


            • La postura del chaburro en realidad es que está disfrutando ver como los demás sufren la cola, lo cual para él le satisface su deseo de venganza contra todo aquel al que le dicen que es enemigo del chavismo, deseo que les fue metido artificialmente por el discurso lleno de odio que ha habido durante odio el régimen y muchos años antes también.


      • The vociferous woman is not saying that she likes shortages she is saying she can make do despite the shortages with substitutes ( trapo en vez de papel toilet, yuca en vez de harina pan) and above all that whatever shortages there are she is totally identified with the regime come what may. She also says that one of the reasons for shortages is that people dont work , and that the blame is every bodys (er puehblo) . No way is she saying that queues are useful because they help you buy scarce items . People like her are now a distinct minority , even dye in the wool chavistas are unhappy with the current state of affairs , hinterlaces a govt sponsored polling group confirms that 82% of those polled expect things will get worse , meaning they dont trust the regime’s capacity or willingness to improve things !!

        The thing to note is that according to most polls , for every rabid chavista woman like the one in the video, there are three rabid anti chavista opposition persons who absolutely reject any explanation or excuse the regime has to offer , that piece of advertisement is going nowhere. !!


  9. When you’re chewing on life’s gristle
    Don’t grumble, give a whistle
    And this’ll help things turn out for the best

    Always look on the briiiiiiiiiight side of life…


  10. Maybe their next jolly little cartoon could include a message to the managers and ceo of Farmatodo. Something along the lines of: “The government is sorry you were detained by Sebin a few months ago for deliberately causing queues. We now realise that you were just doing your bit to stimulate the economy and we promise not to put you behind bars again.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Quién diablos puede creer que un funcionario del gobierno USAmericano (o de cualquier gobierno, for that matter) puede andar declarando como portavoz de la Casa Blanca y agente del FBI, así no más como quien anuncia el pronóstico del tiempo…? Su mal inglés apunta a algún guerrillero informático al servicio del desgobierno venezolano para plantar desinformación e información falsa. Ni siquiera debiéramos estar perdiendo el tiempo en esto !!


  11. Chama, te pelaste. Ese video es contra los comerciantes.

    Lo que quieren decir es que los comerciantes ponen a gente en las colas como una estrategia de ventas y la gente que pasa por ahi se pone en cola apenas ve a otros en la cola y asi suben sus ventas.

    De tal manera que explotan la sicologia paranoica que tiene el pueblo mesmo durante esta guerra economica que tiene el gobierno contra los apatridas y burgueses comerciantes.



    • Yep. This is what I thought when I first saw this one. They are saying that queues are an evil conspiracy by store-owners to increase their sales. But who knows how they meant it. This is what happens when your copywriters have to translate from Newspeak.


  12. This is the kind of stuff to reply to naive fools under articles or wherever who don’t have a clue how shameless and dishonest the regime is.


  13. Gee, thank you, Gobierno Bolivariano. That’s a much better system than the one used outside of Venezuela and Cuba: just going into any store, any day of the week, any business hour of the day, hassle free, no id required, no fingerprint system and no maximum quantity per item, and buy any product, because there’s no scarcity.



    • Yet you don’t have the communal friendship and solidarity of the Bolivarian queue, which is something that no money in the world can buy it. Let’s be honest here: you just pick whatever the products in whatever the amounts you wish to buy on the shelves of the store, pay for them and leave the premises probably by uttering a single ‘thank you’ or ‘bye’, maybe not even that. How do you impact your community by acting like a self-absorbed person? Oh, wait, you don’t!!! That’s the inconvenient fact you would rather not talk about it!


  14. OT: there used to be a guy that went by “Gringo in Venezuela”. He was a rabid chavista who used to prove everybody wrong and would laugh at those who doubted and mocked this system that Chavez wanted to implement. Have you heard about him lately? (The Gringo in Venezuela, that is). I’m still waiting to see the Iranian cars and trucks fill the Venezuelan highways.


  15. And to think in some countries they are thinking of using small drones for same-day deliveries to your doorstep, so that the next time you want a bag of potato chips you can avoid spending invaluable seconds driving in your air-conditioned Prius to your Walmart and picking up the item at the quick-pickup counter with the fully automated smartwatch payment system.


  16. Come on, folks, let’s cut a bit of slack to these people, after all, what need is for forming into a queue when you can PLANT your stuff in a conuco, includinc SYNTHETIC MEDICINES, just like this lady said with lots of “tumbao and full venezolanidad”


  17. Wtf to the nth power!! I guess a line with 15 people is really nothing when you come from Cuba… This is so pathetic.


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