You can’t have a coup without coupsters

Coup by Power Point

Of course there was going to be a coup, and here is a fancy map to prove it. Look, those genocidal maniacs were going to bomb Telesur!

The Venezuelan government loves to talk about “coups.” Business people are engaged in an “economic coup.” Opposition politicians are planning an “electoral coup.” Journalists are continuous agents of an “informational coup.” And so on…

So when the government decried a “coup” by members of the Air Force and other military personnel back in February, few of us took it seriously.

Yesterday we learned that, in a quickie trial, nine members of the Armed Forces were sentenced for “conspiring” and “instigating a rebellion.”

The group is made up of seven active members of the Air Force (including one General), one retired Army coronel, and one retired Captain of the National Guard. Others that had been named by Diosdado Cabello as part of the conspiracy have yet to be sentenced.

According to this note by, the defense attorney for a few of the accused claims that no proper defense was admitted. He says that the bulk of the prosecution’s case was hearsay – an alleged conversation here, an alleged invitation to a meeting there – and that a valid allibi was not accepted by the court. According to Últimas Noticias, a tenth person being accused, Capt. José Moreno, admitted to participating in the conspiracy and was rewarded with a lighter sentence.

The case is farcical right from the start. According to the government, the coupsters were planning on bombing Caracas using Tucano airplanes. But according to several sources, including Aporrea, the Venezuelan Tucanos are useless, so the coupsters were going to borrow one (ONE) airplane from an American defense contractor.

Farce or not, the case promises to go on. One of those implicated in the alleged scheme is Julio Borges, a National Assembly member and leader of Primero Justicia (and a personal friend).

As per usual in today’s Venezuela, it is hard to tell truth from lies. The fact that the trial was over so quickly and without any transparency suggests the government’s case is flimsier than it sounds. The lack of an independent media makes the government’s attempts to give the case some credibility much more difficult.

The case sounds like a sham. Still, that is cold comfort for the families of the convicted.

39 thoughts on “You can’t have a coup without coupsters

  1. How the hell one can use a fricking Tucano to do a coup on a government possessing 24 Su-30 and 12 F-16 (the strongest Air Force in Latin America)? Would it be a suicide mission?

    On a serious note, does that mean that they might arrest Borges soon? One by one they are arresting all of them. Very sad!


    • Those Sukhoi’s are definitely not up to par and many are grounded for lack of parts. There is even a rumor of cannibalizing planes to keep the others flying.

      F-16’s? Again, parts resourcing is difficult because the US will not sell parts for them to Venezuela.
      Matter of fact, not too long ago the US convicted a Venezuelan and others for trying to evade export restrictions on parts for F-16’s, whose ultimate destination would have been Caracas.


      • In Corruptzuela, Planes are like Power Plants: there’s no business in parts and maintenance. The juicy deals are buying the whole thing, preferably used with a coat of paint, at the new price, maj pa’l fresco..


    • Not to mention that these aircraft are 28 years old and were mostly trainers. Since the country is dead anyway, maybe they planned to fill the plane with explosives and just go all kamikaze on MasBurro’s ass. Or maybe they planned to fill it with thousands of mangoes and crap mangoes all over Miraflores. It is the time of the Mangoes everyone – so sayth the burro.

      Tora Tora Tora

      May the Farce be with you!


    • The whole thing is a farce. A cover to remove from their posts some personnel who were too candid in airing their anxieties and were in a position to do real damage with some real weapons, like the F-16 and sukois. And in reality it might have occurred to some of these guys to solve Venezuela’s problems by obliterating a few strategic targets (decapitating the chicken). So perhaps Maduro’s paranoia is not entirely unhealthy.


    • I have to ask, because I’ve been wondering this myself for quite some time: Does Venezuela even have an air force that works? Without air support, a serious ground rebellion moves from the realm of forget about it to probable.


  2. This apparent farce does serve several purposes:

    – Continue to purge potential opponents the Military, as necessary.
    – Great excuse to buy 10 billion worth of Russian planes during Masburro’s visit. At a 200% m/up, of course, ‘pa los panas, ‘pa los frescos q’ hace mucho calol y el catire ejta arrecho.
    – Justify further authoritarian, dictatorial, draconian “medidas”..
    – Feed the boring Popular Circus, well-known Roman technique.The Novelas are boring, Obama didn’t wanna take back his decreto, Celia looks even uglier and dumber on TV than in person, the Mango season this year has been disappointing.


  3. The usual way of getting rid of unwanted military is retiring them and offering them a pension , or placing them in administrative positions where they have no command of troops . Many just go on their own when they tire of all the stupidity arround them . If they scenify a coup conspiracy its because they want to entertain people with their usual theatrical displays and maybe use it as an excuse to taking some uncomfortable oppo figureheads out of the fight , preferably by sending them abroad to exile or jailing them if they refuse to exile themselves .

    Pepe Mujica in an interview to El Pais says the Regime is being stupid because by repressing oppo leaders it is making them into persecuted heroes and hurting the regimes image and legitimacy in the international media which has seen the development of a very negative regime view.


  4. “Los Tucano estan en una reparacion profunda”, NewSpeak for we´ve got no spares and no money to fix the damn things


  5. Involucrados en el plan

    “El Taxista” al que le dicen “El Viejo”

    Cuando no le llaman “El Taxista”, supongo.


  6. Eh, again with that turdicide idiocy.
    Well, some excuse they’ve to find so the base endures them in spite of them being a bunch of shitheads.


    Eh, de nuevo con la misma ladilla esa del mierdicidio.
    En fin, alguna excusa tienen que buscar para que los de la base se los sigan calando pese a que son unas mierdas.


  7. So, here’s the deal: there was obviously no coup involved, but Maduro is looking for something.

    Are they scared of these particular Air Force people?

    To me, it’s more likely that they are sending a message to the one force they control the least: “we can put these guys in prison, because we can.” It’s a complicated game of chicken.

    Perhaps the best thing that could happen to Maduro and company is that the imprisonment outrages a significant portion of the Air Force who could then try an actual coup against them…


    • It is difficult to repress a feeling of tenderness while reading this comment.

      Here is the blogger hoping for the good military to do the decent thing.

      Even after 16 years of military debasement, framed in 215 years of militaristic abuse, the Venezuelan subconscious still hopes for the abuser to behave.

      I thing I will call this symptoms the “Wolfang Larrazabal Syndrome ” or WLS.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I see Masburro adding to his ever growing list of enemies, people with weapons. Furthermore, if this is the begining of some purge he may find himself in a Robespierre situation, the people closest to him take him out of fear.

        Politically, forcing a coup is the best exit strategy. He would play the ‘wronged democratic president’, something like Allende minus the suicide and walk away from the scortched earth he has left. He could then aspire to a comeback in 10 years, like Alan Garcia Perez in Peru.

        As for righteous military, well, it is ultimately them that tip the governments out.


      • People know so very little how military coups function , coups are made by people who have command of troops and weapons and who are united by ties of trust and fellowship from having worked or known each other for years , they come to the conclusion that the govt has to be toppled and so they prepare a plan which they implement always under the fear that someone will find out about the coup and give them away. They usually want to have the support of popular pols who will be able to persuade the maximum of people that what their doing is necessary and for the countrys good . Personal ambitions are also present in the boldest among them . The military life milieu which allowed that type of military group to rise is gone a long time now , There are no united military groups in todays Venezuela , they are broken up into chaotic formations which make any coup almost impossible , the chavista generals dont have the kind of power they brag that they have , they have influence but few real followers , its every man for himself . they loathe each other or are suspicion of all others . There are plenty of dissatisfied military but they cannot coalesce into a working group . The existence of a united military class is a myth , there used to be one , but they have ceased to exist except as individuals who happen to share a state job.


        • One big problem in the military now is that you have no mid level cadres allowing the top officers to control and command the troops , the link between the top people and the general troops is very weak , the troops absent a resolute command do nothing . the armys capacity to really act with any level of effectiveness is very small .


    • Plus you have the “look, there is the evil opposition fascists trying to bombard Caracas, don’t vote for them!” argument. Can’t hurt when you are 20 points down in the polls.


  8. Armament of a Tucano:

    Two .50″ machine guns (200 rounds each) in the wings. Five hard points under the wing and fuselage allow up to 1,500 kg of weapons for most. Additional underwing armament, such as two 20mm gun pods or .50″ machine guns, configurations.loading and firing of short-range air-air missiles of the AIM-9 class. Mk 81 or Mk 82 (conventional or equipped with guidance kits) bombs, SBAT-70/19 or LAU-68 rocket launchers.

    And with that, they were going to take out eleven targets. Right….


    • The Tucano sold to Blackwater is the only Tucano Embraer ever sold that the standard equipment machine guns were removed before delivery.
      It is illegal in Brazil to export this weaponry to a company and not a government.
      This particular plane does not have the ability to launch rockets or bombs. Its solely a trainer and was not allowed to be weaponized by Brazilian law.


  9. How do you launch a coup with an single airplane? Surely other elements such as some ground element would be needed to seize or do a variety of things. Indeed, unless other actions have not been uncovered, this is just poor propaganda. Good propaganda requires some foundation of truth. This stuff is just absurd. One plane? A trainer? Either someone is incredibly secure or incredibly stupid.


    • I believe our esteemed government long ago realized any propaganda is good propaganda, no need for foundation of anything.


  10. As always, the Corruptzuelan Regime only gets away with these ridiculous, absurd public charades because the Populace is silenced, busy in queues for diapers, uninformed, and/or extremely uneducated.

    While the educated, civilized world goes about its normal business. If only a third of our pueblo Criollo knew a thing about Ortega Gasset or anything except Tucanes y otros pajaritos voladores y habla-paja como el emplumado “comandante supremo”.

    “El expresidente del Gobierno español Felipe González declaró este miércoles que cuando opina el periodista venezolano de la oposición Teodordo Petkoff “tiembla el régimen” venezolano porque su voz es “aguda y certera” en la defensa de las libertades, publica El Estímulo.

    González recogió hoy el premio de periodismo Ortega y Gasset concedido a Petkoff, director del periódico Tal Cual, debido a que las autoridades venezolanas no le dejan salir del país por publicar en enero de 2014 un artículo de opinión en el que supuestamente se difamaba al presidente del Parlamento, Diosdado Cabello.”


  11. Can anyone update me on the Mango situation? Are people still throwing Mangos at Maduro? I saw someone threw a diaper at him (or what appeared to be a diaper).

    The whole thing is truly beyond farce at this point…


  12. “El taxista” al que le dicen “El Viejo”… maybe the coup mongers needed a cab driver to move the troops around?


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