Querido conafro@gmail.com:

Un pasado que no volverá

Un pasado que no volverá

From: Caracas Chronicles <caracaschronicles@gmail.com>

To: Feijoo Colomine <conafro@gmail.com>

Sent: Wed, May 6, 2015 at 9:10 PM

Subject: Su interesante artículo en Aporrea

Estimado Sr. Colomine

Leí con interés su artículo en Aporrea, donde narra su decepción al visitar el Gran Abasto Bicentenario de la Plaza Venezuela. Su experiencia no sorprende: anaqueles vacíos, poca variedad, colas arbitrarias, y para más colmo, productos importados que se venden a precio de dólares mayores a los que el gobierno da.

Le confieso que esperaba encontrarme con un final diferente, algo que sugiriera que usted había aprendido su lección. Algo que dijera que se dio cuenta que la Revolución era un fraude.

Pero no. En vez de indignarse contra los culpables de esta debacle, usted termina indignado contra dos enemigos ficticios: la “corrupción” y la “derecha apátrida.”

Sr. Colomine, fíjese una cosa: las personas que dirigen ese abasto son de la absoluta confianza de Maduro y su gabinete. Las personas que fijan esas políticas absurdas son las mismas que se embolsillan los dólares necesarios para importar esos bienes a precios preferenciales.

No hay auditoría posible que resuelva este entuerto. No hay Indepabis, ni tribunal, ni Fiscalía que ponga orden en este desmadre, porque simplemente los jefes del Indepabis, de los tribunales, y de la Fiscalía, son los que se están beneficiando de esto.

Con meter preso al gerente del abasto o al militar encargado de la red de distribución del Bicentenario no se logra nada. El que venga va a terminar haciendo lo mismo, porque el sistema está hecho para que la gente se aproveche de él. Para los que están en el poder se beneficien de él.

Los únicos culpables, Sr. Colomine, son los venezolanos que con su voto y su continuo apoyo siguen dándole fuerzas a un régimen caído. Los únicos culpables, Sr. Colomine, son personas como usted.

Así que déjese de falsas indignaciones y recapacite un poco. La única razón por la que usted alaba el hecho de que algunos de los únicos bienes que se consiguen en el Bicentenario sean de Polar, la única razón por la que usted mira en Amazon una fuente de “precios justos,” es porque usted en el fondo es un capitalista.

Así que un consejito de panas: déjese de seguir empoderando al gobierno con su lógica enrevesada, y termine de salir del closet. Usted es un capitalista a quien le encanta comprar, le gusta ir a tiendas bien surtidas, que revisa páginas como Amazon y que compra productos de la Polar.

Usted no pertenece a ese lado. Usted debiera estar del lado de acá. De ese lado están los kleptócratas. De este estamos los que queremos un futuro mejor para nuestra Patria.

Aquí lo recibiríamos con los brazos abiertos, dispuestos a perdonarlo.

Saludos afectuosos,
Caracas Chronicles

48 thoughts on “Querido conafro@gmail.com:

  1. Amigo Juan, aprecio que se haya tomado el tiempo en cantarles las verdades que ya sea por ceguera propia o inducida (como le gusta al régimen) no se da cuenta de los verdaderos culpables de este desastre, pero apuesto mi diezmado cupo cadivi a que el señor Feijoo paró la lectura al ir por el segundo párrafo y envió su correo al no deseado. Esta gente a estas alturas no acepta otra opinión que la que les interesa. Lamentablemente eso se ha pasado un poco a nuestro bando también pero no sin razón, es como leer un artículo de un letrado chavista (si es que eso existe) explicando como el gobierno no es culpable de nada, we just say bullshit, this not worth reading


  2. Por cierto, quiero invitar a todos mis lectores a que le escriban a este señor también. Quién quita, capaz y se salta la talanquera solo pa’que dejemos de j…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Voy a escribirle. Conocí a Feijoo cuando él era dirigente del MAS de San Cristóbal. Parecía buen tipo.


  4. Estuve dispuesto a darle un segundo chance, hasta que me enteré que hizo una de las cosas más aberrantes, repugnantes, nauseabundas y asquerosas por las cuales desprecio al chavismo: Su malnacido apartheid de mierda miserable marginal resentida, bien merecido que tascón terminó como lo hizo, no merecía nada mejor por haber sido parte indispensable en la tracalería que le ha jodido la vida a más de medio país.


  5. Que bueno ver que alguien le responda a Feijo. Me encantaria ver a alguien que le escriba a Oscar Heck en Aporrea. Su logica no deja de sorprenderme


  6. For him to accept that the Revolution was a fraud would simply be too difficult. His whole sense of self, his life’s work is tied into the Revolution. It’s far easier for him to commit all sorts of mental gymnastics to place blame anywhere but where it should go.

    He is not alone. That is why many die-hards will never give up their belief in the regime, even as they watch their family go hungry waiting hours in line for a scrap of bread while pot bellied generals and lacoste wearing ministers drive by in their fancy cars.


    • Rory is correct. For these types, their entire life has been invested in this fantasy. To conclude that they were wrong would be to conclude that they have wasted their life and even impoverished their families as a result of having been scammed. I know one man who was well educated in both Venezuela and Europe who is still a “believer”. There is no end to the mental gymnastics he uses to explain the obvious failures of the Revolution. I long ago ceased to engage in debate with him. All I can see is a pathetic loser, and little reason to rub salt in his wounds.


      • I disagree. Methinks that most Chavistas do know they are doing the wrong, are fully aware of what works and what doesn’t. They just decided to STEAL and get their piece of the pie, in such putrid Chavista environment.

        People keep talking about “ineptitude” or “life-long socialist convictions”. Gimme a break. These are just vivos, thugs, thieves and know exactly what they are doing.


        • vivo = mierda

          Es un axioma que hay que grabarle en el cerebro a las futuras generaciones para que esto no vuelva a repetirse.


  7. Con alguno de los comentarios que se gastan por aqui (no el blog en si, sino alguno de los que escribimos por esta parte), lo de acoger arrepentidos con los brazos abiertos como no sea para dar una puñalada…

    Tampoco tengo yo muy claro que alguien que, con la evidencia en las narices, se pone a hablar de la derecha apátrida como causa de que el supermercado del estado no tenga nada, tenga la mas mínima capacidad de arrepentirse y darse cuenta que el objetivo, muy legítimo y de hecho fundamental, de mejorar la calidad de vida de toda la población, combatir la pobreza, etc… pasa por un cambio radical de políticas y de políticos.


    • “… lo de acoger arrepentidos con los brazos abiertos como no sea para dar una puñalada…”
      Yo pienso que a los que engañaron en el 98 se merecen que se les dé una segunda oportunidad, no es la primera vez que un imbécil llega al poder surfeando en una ola de mentiras y promesas absurdas y la gente se lo cree.

      Ahora, si me hablas de gentuza como esos imbéciles que aplaudieron y se regodearon a más no poder con el sufrimiento que causó la lista mierdascón, o los que viven burlándose de la gente que es masacrada por los choros culpándola siempre al alegar que “algo malo hizo para merecérselo” para tratar de defender a toda costa al malandro, pues que se jodan.

      “…alguien que, con la evidencia en las narices, se pone a hablar…”
      Eso es ser cínico o disociado.


  8. The most basic of human faculties is the capacity to perceive and understand reality, now we have a system of belief which calls on us to renounce the use of that natural capatity and instead percieve reality through the filter o a grossly imaginary delusional narrative . a narrative that allows one to feel great at ones ideological righteousness , that flatters our ideological conceits by falsifying reality and substituting it for a theatrically produced illusion .

    Reality is not important , only the manipulation of the appearances pertaining to that reality is important , we are thus reduced to live in a world which is made from the elaborate and childish fantasies of a tiny group of farcical manipulators .

    Never as now is Borges phrase on the way people are idiotized by tyranny more true than now . !!

    No more than now


    • “The most basic of human faculties is the capacity to perceive and understand reality…”

      But, along with this came the ability to invent and believe in fanciful explanations of reality, when perception and reason alone fail to serve. None of us is immune to this tendency. I once read that one of the keys to staying young (at heart) is “the unceasing cultivation of the ability to unlearn old falsehoods.”


      • There is of course a capacity in people to invent fanciful explanations about reality , we also have an inclination to make many things that pass through our minds into toys or games to entertain our fancy or flatter our pride . but usually our minds insist that they have some element of verosimilitude , the problem with this regime is that it wants to compell us to believe in things which are lacking in any verosimilitude whatsoever , that challenge all basic standards of credibility , for example to believe that our current miseries are the result of a dark machiavellan conspiracy between the oppo , the CIA , spain to wage an economic war against the poor and the regime that purports to represent them . That LL speeches contain a subliminal call to armed and violent rebellion , in fact almost 70% of the items reported in this blog about the govt behaviour reveal a manifest lack of basic realism in what they say or do . moreover an expectation that people that hear their crazed explanations are absolute idiots willing to lend credence to all the nonsense they hear the regime babble .

        Its down right insulting that they proclaim absolutely idiotic explanations and expect any normally balanced person to believe them . They think the world is made up of retarded people or children who still suck their thumbs .!! We all know how inventive the human imagination can be but the level of supidity that govt explanations demand of us is really extraordinary .!!


  9. Una muy buena entrada. Un post de una chavista irredenta a la que le duele en el alma ir a comprar pero no admite la derrota puede leerse aquí https://cotayorosebud.wordpress.com/2015/04/23/instrucciones-para-comprar-en-el-bicentenario/ Copio y pego el comentario que mandé (por supuesto, no publicado pero casi al 100% seguro que ha sido leído)

    “En todos los países hay problemas pero que una profesora de universidad tenga que hacer cosas como esta para comprar pollo no ocurre más que en Venezuela. Algo se está haciendo muy mal aquí. Si en Estados Unidos un comercio mañana anuncia que vende televisiones de plasma por cien dólares y hummers por 10 mil, las colas serían también kilométricas y aparecerían en todos los noticiarios del mundo. ¿Quien dice no cuando alguien se ofrece a regalarte dinero?

    Ahora mismo en cada Bicentenario hay un cartel que dice “aquí se regala dinero al que venga a comprar”. Aunque no exista física y realmente algo así, usted y todos saben perfectamente que con sus precios de venta se les está regalando dinero porque no tendrán que comprar los productos en el mercado informal mucho más caros o los podrán revender, tal y como haría un americano con su hummer y su televisión de plasma comprada a un precio tan bajo. Un principio económico tan simple en Venezuela no existe y es ignorado para que así el gobierno, entre otras cosas, pueda mantener el control sobre la sociedad a través del control de cambio. Un dolar no vale ni 275 ni 6,3 sino unos sesenta o setenta bolívares. Si mañana lo liberasen, desaparecerían las colas, los bachaqueros y la corrupción asociada a un sistema de cambio enloquecido pero todo el país descubriría entonces hasta qué punto el poder de compra ha bajado porque las políticas de la última década les han empobrecido a todos. De momento el gobierno prefiere correr la arruga pero, ¿hasta cuando?”

    Liked by 1 person

  10. “Los únicos culpables, Sr. Colomine, son los venezolanos que con su voto y su continuo apoyo siguen dándole fuerzas a un régimen caído.”

    True. To some extent. If 40% actually voted for Mas-burrismo. And for those Millions and Millions of enchufados corruptos. They deserve every dirty diaper they cannot replace, even to get shot in the streets or die for lack of medicine, in many cases.


  11. “Aquí lo recibiríamos con los brazos abiertos, dispuestos a perdonarlo.”

    That’s gonna be a major problem: having to “forgive” and re-incorporate Millions of corrupt and twisted Chavistas, comerciantes, “trabajadores” and public workers, formerly on Chavismo’s payroll, back into a healthier supply/demand economy.

    Especially after so many years of affluence, theft, gifts, “haber probado las mieles del poder” as JCN says.

    We already see the vultures and salivating wolves of a post-apocalyptic Chavismo era marauding in the horizon. The PSUV disintegrating, with THUGS like Nicmer Evans already salivating to get his bloody chunk of Corruptzuela’s corpse.

    Obviously Vzla will have to reintegrate many of today’s thieves, enchufados, corrupt slime into the working force. Of course, they will continue to steal and cheat as much as they can. In Corruptzuela, that has always been the case since the 60’s, after the Perez Jimenez golden era, when people couldn’t steal much. They will steal again, as adecos/copeyanos, that’s what we have our Maldito Petroleo for.

    But they will have to be contained, with a much stronger Judicial system, real Police, a true separation of powers. Otherwise, “con los brazos abiertos” nos van a volver a singar, and other disguised forms of corrupt Chavismo will re=emerge, as we’ve seen in many other putrid places like Nicaragua after a dictatorship falls. The examples to follow, of course, are none other than Chile or even Singapore..

    Here’s a good read :



  12. Besides, all these new A/Cs (with the low level of the hydroelectric reservoirs) are a real problem for the electrical grid!


  13. Juan: excellent post. I, too, will have some difficulty with forgiveness. Not in a general sense. No. But because many of those who have hung on to chavismo and its fantasy byproducts, many of those who have benefitted from this twisted filter of reality, have at the core of their beings a criminal mind set.

    The Commission for Truth and Reconciliation in South Africa was a brilliant philosophy put in practice. But could it ever be implemented in a country whose very philosophical foundation is based on the widespread stoking of delusional narratives?


  14. Well..and the Colomines finally made it to Caracas Chronicles. I have been writing in this blog for a while under the name of “Oil in the Brain” but this time I will pull the mask off.

    I can’t say that I am surprised my uncle made it here but even more surprised that somehow we are now connecting again. I am startled. Same with my aunt that by the way has her own blog and Ramon just got a link here.

    They are or were quite public names in the early days of the Chavismo. Those were the days that lots of intellectuals were called to be part of the government. We are now, at least on my side of the story, a ruptured family. Since my dad death, we barely talk if we talk at all, perhaps I betrayed the political concept. Time will tell.

    The Colomine family has many years working for “el Socialismo”. Before Chavez, before CAP and even before Caldera. We are a little bit atypical. We believe in what we choose to believe and we will fight to the bitter end for it. Whether or not we are wrong, fight for what you believe is the basis of every human being that have ideals.

    My dad, was tortured among with Feijoo by the agents of the Betancourt government. They were persecuted by CAP and Caldera, and ultimately betrayed by the party that they founded: MAS. Their house was searched several times by the Digepol, the DISIP, and SIM etc. and they went to jail without reason countless of times.

    My aunt, being part of the 6th power, had the opportunity to track and to see closely the corruption of Lusinchi and the second term of CAP. She did witness the terrible assassination of “El Caracazo” from the ones that ordered to shoot and ask later.

    Feijoo also saw the incredible inaction of he elderly Caldera when he was part of his cabinet. Caldera inaction and inner circle corruption paved the way for Chavez to become president. Caldera was the last civil hope for socialism and corruption fight before we gave up to the military out of despair.

    Thus, they understood the other side of the coin that a lot of people simply turn a blind eye, even today.

    Now, Juan, that is a background that I am sure you did not know about Feijoo.

    Six years ago, almost to this day, I was ridding with my uncle Feijoo to my dad’s funeral. I was living in US working for ExxonMobil after being “pulled out” by Chavez retaking of the heavy oil projects in the Faja. I asked him the same questions lots of people asked themselves regarding the Venezuela debacle. I was certainly bitter for having to leave the country and with the mismanagement of their populist economy. I was judging him and the rest of the family associated to the Chavismo as part of the problem, blind to the real consequences of Chavez line of action. Six years ago, no one would ever foresaw what Venezuela is today. However, he told me something that still resonates in my mind: our struggle is cultural and it is historical, and the Chavismo is our only way to establish “El Socialismo”.

    Nowadays, I am sure lots of Chavistas are certainly bitter on how Maduro has unambiguously destroyed the project that they dreamt 15 years ago. My uncle Feijoo and the Colomine family has never been corrupt or have used power (the few times they got closed to) for personal benefit. Since I have memory, they are out for their ideals that includes fairness to everyone. I tend to believe that lots of Venezuelans would like a government that is fair, civil, loyal to the country and able to manage our unrequested wealth. I think very few people want the return of the 4th but certainly lots of us don’t want the 5th. So, what it is left?, that is a subject for another post.

    I am not writing to defend my uncle, he can do that himself. I certainly do not share his devotion to Chavez’ project if you can call it that way. But I do share that we are all responsible, by pragmatism, by inaction, and sometimes by sheer stupidity trying to over simplify a quite complex argument. I am here to tell you that histories like the Colomine family, split by political sides, are every where and that is one of the tragedies of our modern times.

    However, I do defend our name because ultimately we have, on the right or on the left, delivered clean and faithful to our ideals.

    That is the other side of the coin…


    • Thanks for the testimony Colomine.

      I think that, regardless of the ideals that drove your uncle and the people like him, the destruction of our democracy and the inmense suffering their ideas have unleashed on the country are on their tab. This is the socialism they wanted. This is what they voted for. This is their revenge.

      I’m sorry to not sugar-coat it, but I honestly believe that to be the case. And if you think I’m being unfair, we should ask Rocío San Miguel about your uncle’s socialist ethics.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think it is worse. This is not the socialism they wanted. This is what they think they have to use to get there.

        That is, as the goal is not this but some future mythical land of honey and milk, they cant get disillusioned about the whole project; instead, there is always a new barbarity to commit that is now required to get to that paradise.

        For all the “fairness to all” ideals are just there, in that future, and “all” is not all people, but those future perfect socialist angels that they are going to mold out of the bloody clay they have to work with now…


    • Colomine,

      Your reply puts a very human face to the tragedy.

      The following quote is plain disturbing:

      However, he told me something that still resonates in my mind: our struggle is cultural and it is historical, and the Chavismo is our only way to establish “El Socialismo”.

      This is misplaced religion. It is a binary fundamentalism. Fanaticism. He implies that his dream of “El Socialismo” is the ONLY solution which would justify working through depraved Chavismo.


      • Never mind Colomine…. I just read your uncle’s reply in Aporrea.

        He justifies himself by his historical embrace of violent communism.

        I don’t doubt he means well inasmuch as Mao, Polpot or Abimael Guzman do.

        Me parece que es mas peligroso que mono con pistola.


  15. The tender goody goody devotion to grand pure noble righteous ideals untainted with any human weakness , which like magic wands or silver bullets automatically get rid of all thats base and corrupt in human life seem to me the height of folly , moreover I suspect that devotion to such ideals is for many a form of moral self glamorization that obscenely aggrandize their sense of personal importance.

    All isms are like ideological hard licquor that turn peoples heads and excite their most childish fantasies. They should be abolished , specially where they make people take pride in the lilywhite purity of their motives and in the heroic virulence of their scorns.

    More attention should be paid to getting clear what needs to be done simply to improve peoples life by allowing them opportunities and conditions that make it possible for them to become economically productive and responsible in a modern economy . Ideologies are just bright tinsel tags made for people to wear as badges to show off how great they are , they are like the medals people in waltmarts used to wear to signal their devotion to the stores clients .

    Its not enought for people not to be corrupt to deserve our admiration , not enough for them to be idealistic and speak bombastic histrionic words and cultivate noble passions , they must be competent , they must be able to achieve results that directly help people improve their lives basically through their own efforts .

    The important thing is not to keep tabs on a person past deviations and conceits but to determine how much they can contribute to building a society which helps make people lead better more productive and responsible lives. There will be mistakes , lots of people who have to be left behind because they cant make it ( even if every effort is made to help them ) but at least enough people will have been helped to improve their economic capacity to make life better for as many people as possible .

    Lets forget our grudge , lets forget our loathings and just learn to work together on effectively achieving a better future .

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Yes I read it. That is the devotion I certainly do not share and I never will. Absolutism has never worked in the long run and the defense at all cost for a project that has already failed is paramount to their movement.

    No one with medium intelligence can pretend sustainability after 10 years of very high oil prices and heavy subsidy from the Chinese that resulted in a country in shames, unable to feed itself or even defend itself from its own violence. It is a humongous waste that will be paid by generations to come. They know it, and the reckoning time is coming.

    However, one thing I share is that we can not come back to the abuse of the right (4th republic). We shall not forget that the corruption, the arrogance and the crimes of the 4th were the cradle for the return of the military to the government.

    Further to that, we can not pretend that Venezuela has the resources to become a fully fledge capitalist system as we do not have the resources, the education, the population size, or the long term view. If one thing Chavez did right was to reflect on the poor, the abandoned, and the excluded due to unchecked greed.

    I believe in a system that does not need to be labeled, that has the right check and balances to manage power and wealth. That provides the individual with a fair chance to grow as far his/her own intellect may allow. That does not look down in the last name, the skin color, and does not ask “where do you live” to automatically classify and set up the treatment you will get. A system where everyone is accountable.

    Do not think for one second that I am sounding ni-ni. The ni-ni most gear up and choose a side. There is nothing worst that our pragmatism reflected on undecided people. That is my concession to Feijoo as I stopped being pragmatic. Regimen change is just not enough, we need a system change. I am committed for change, even if it means going against my political education and family dynamics.

    About uncle Feijoo, I admire him in the right context because he continues to defend his ideas. That’s something you most recognize and you need to understand beyond the comforts of anonymity and keyboard wannabe revolutionaries. That tells you that the whole enterprise of change requires equal devotion. It does require commitment and intelligence. It does require to respect the views of the other side.

    For those of you that were expecting some online family drama, I am afraid I will disappoint you. I am firm believer that “the dirty laundry is washed at home” and “el que le pega a su familia se arruina”. In Spanglish to satisfy the expanded public.

    Best regards


    • “About uncle Feijoo, I admire him in the right context because he continues to defend his ideas.”

      I’m not sure I can admire anyone that defends patently wrong ideas. This is not reasonable nor intelligent.This shows base stubbornness.

      I truly respect that you love him because he is your uncle.


  17. La respuesta es escueta: “soy un viejo comunista y nada ni nadie me va a hacer cambiar de parecer” seguida del típico escocés verdadero: “los chavistas corruptos no son chavistas de verdad, son derechistas apátridas y opositores que se ponen la camisa roja”.

    JC, yo no sé ni pa’ que perdeis tiempo con este viejo sollao…


  18. Cualquiera que superponga CUALQUIER ideología sobre millones de vidas y el sufrimiento de todo un país para mi no es más que un psicopata, un narcisista. Su orgullo y deseo de “ganar” la batalla es más importante que cualquier cosa. Lo triste es que temo que lo peor está por venir.


    • Lamentablemente los chaburros (Dicho de la manera más recalcitrante y ofensiva) fueron criados con la misma estructura mental de los malandros que roban, violan y asesinan todos los días a cuenta de que nadie puede ponerles un alto: Son gente sociópata al punto de pensar que su orgullo vale más que la vida de otra persona, que se creen con derecho de matar a golpes o a tiros a alguien es una respuesta válida cuando su orgullo ha sido herido porque se atrevieron a llevarle la contraria.

      Esta es la misma gentuza que celebra que hayan apagones que le quemen sus “aparaticos caros a los sifrinos maricos”, que le parece algo hilarante que una persona sea violada en una cárcel porque lo vuelve marico y por lo tanto lo disminuye todavía más, que se consideran que todas las marramucias de robo y corrupción de “los suyos” sí valen y hay que calárselas porque “es que me tenía que tocar alguna vez”, y lo más asqueroso, nauseabundo y repulsivo, es que aplaudan de pie y estén al punto de masturbarse cada vez que una persona es asesinada por malandros (con o sin uniforme) para luego venir a justificarlo y defender a esa basura infiriendo primero y luego diciendo de forma explícita que la víctima que terminó con 30 tiros para robarla se lo merecía porque “algo hizo para merecerlo”.

      Para los chaburros la destrucción de Venezuela es su “venganza”, porque en algún momento alguien no los consideró como los dioses que ellos mismos se metieron el mojón de creer, y que por considerarse superiores pues tienen el derecho de exterminar a todos los que odian.


  19. This goes in Spanish, hoping that Feijoo reads it and reflects.

    Cuando los irresponsables prometen castillos en el aire sin el propósito de cumplir la promesa generan amenazas muy peligrosas a quienes les creen.
    En la película de Kurosawa, Dodes ‘Ka-den, hay un mendigo con su hijo de unos 5 años. Viven en un carro abandonado y no tienen nada para comer. El padre le pinta castillos en el aire y el niño le cree. Lo manda a un restaurant a pedir sobras. El cocinero le da comida al niño pero le advierte que el pescado puede ser venenoso. El niño le entrega la comida al padre y él lo hace comer el pescado. El niño muere.
    En el 2013 el gobierno creo el viceministerio de la felicidad social. No explicó cómo funcionaría ese ministerio, cuales serían las estrategias, los programas, los recursos. Era un castillo en el aire dibujado por un gobierno irresponsable. Algunos le creyeron, entre ellos un tal Sigfrido Lanz Delgado, quien escribió un mensaje en el portal Aporrea alabando las virtudes del fulano vice ministerio. Pueden leer la nota de Sigfrido en el enlace.

    Hace unos dias el mismo Sigfridp publica en Aporrea otra nota titulada La Plasta donde pasa revista a una gran cantidad de errores del gobierno y describe como esos errores causan sufrimiento al pueblo venezolano. También denuncia la corrupción del gobierno.

    Volviendo a Kurosawa, Sigfrido desempeña el papel del niño, el gobierno el del mendigo irresponsable, y la lista de calamidades y sufrimientos aderezadas con la inmensa corrupción es el resultado del comer el pescado envenenado.

    Pero Sigfrido no es un niño, es un adulto que ha escrito mas de 60 artículos en Aporrea, la mayoría de ellos alabando la belleza de los castillos en el aire que pintaba (y sigue pintando) el narcogobierno.
    Una tarea válida es contribuir a que los chavistas empeñados en ser como el niñito de Dodes ‘Ka-den se den cuenta que son adultos, que no están obligados a albar todo lo que haga el gobierno, que deben trabajar para que surja una mejor Venezuela, tarea que el narcogobierno no puede cumplir, y que corren peligro de muerte mientras el narcogobierno siga en el poder.


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