Nicolás Maduro cracks down on Farmatodo

Farmatodo is one of the largest pharmacy chains in Venezuela. To our foreign friends, the Venezuelan equivalent to a Walgreens or a CVS. A productive family business that has been an example of intelligent growth during the past couple of decades (although it has a 96 year old story). Due to the large number of stores across the country, they have been in the spotlight since the bachaquero apocalypse began. They have reported long lines of people waiting to access stores just like the state run Bicentenario supermarkets. Also, by the end of 2014 they were even accused of collaborating with the government because they tried to impose a rationing system. The truth is, as many large businesses in Venezuela, they have been taking measures to cope with the economic crisis —especially the rampant scarcity levels—, and have been open to meet with the government and try to work out solutions.

On Saturday afternoon, the President of the chain (and some employees) were informally summoned by President Maduro to discuss the lines outside one of their stores. —If this is the first time you stumble upon the blog please take your time to pick up your jaw from the floor, if you’re a regular, you know.— Later, they were driven to the headquarters of SEBIN (Venezuela’s political police). On Sunday the families reported that they hadn’t heard from their people since the previous night.

Enter stand-in minister Ernesto Villegas, who informed that the government had decided to open an investigation because they realized that in the Farmatodo store at Los Ilustres two of the cashiers were closed, and this was the reason for the line outside.

Later in the day, after Villegas’ statements on Twitter (sad, yes), Maduro went on national television and made clear that this was his doing. That HE “had several conspirators jailed in SEBIN,” and that HE had instructed the DA’s office to act quickly so they could remain in prison. Somehow he believes this gives him some credibility as an authoritarian, you know, trying to convince the people around him he has BOLAS, when all he is doing is making it really easy for his counterparties in the human rights violation suit coming his way.

But this wasn’t enough, he kept on talking and opened the door for the intervention (or expropriation as they say around these parts) of a “food distribution chain,” by saying that it would be integrated to the state owned network. It is not clear whether he was talking about Farmatodo or Herrera, C.A.

The Maduro administration has been bombarding the country with outrageous menaces and crazy news these days. What are they looking for? Are they hoping for a rerun of 2014? Is that even possible now?

Meanwhile, Minister of Economy (Finances, and Banking), Rodolfo Marco Torres, and the authorities of the securities administration, held “fruitful” meetings with different representatives of private banks and brokerage houses, looking to shape a new Forex system that will ease the burden on the current exchange regime. A new system that will require Dollars from private companies, such as Farmatodo. Go figure.

71 thoughts on “Nicolás Maduro cracks down on Farmatodo

  1. “Somehow he believes this gives him some credibility as an authoritarian, you know, trying to convince the people around him he has BOLAS, when all he is doing is making it really easy for his counterparties in the human rights violation suit coming his way.”

    The “Bolivarian” presidents troupe have invested for years on their voting mass’ opinion about ONGs and Human Rights organizations. The understanding of their parties is that they’re biased towards either OTAN or Non-Aligned agendas, just like media outlets and other bodies with political weight.

    Without validating Maduro’s actions regarding Farmatodo, I think it’s worrisome for the opposition to eschew such a fundamental lesson on political actors, whereby their followers could mature out of the perceived foreign benevolence phase -expired sometime between FMI’s conditional lending of ’92 and today- and finally acquire voters in Venezuela for once.


      • Toro, I think I’ve made clear I’m not moved by catty one liners. Surely you can afford fleshing out a response, at least to say you’ve done your part in promoting intelligent discussions instead of circlejerks and insults.


          • Oscar, since more than one person has trouble understanding, It would be foolish of me to continue without amending.

            What part do you deem troublesome?


              • Canucklehead,

                I know that the temptation to ridicule is there -I’ve succumbed in the past myself- and even more so when the staff themselves condone it, but there has to be a point after which you guys tire of cracking jokes and actually approach people you disagree with, let alone tackle the various problems in Venezuela you constantly complain about.

                I’ve seen this story repeat itself over and over again. The opposition campaign obsesses so much with charging the smallest of political gains by ridiculing both officialism and different currents within the opposition itself that they seldom predict what the adversary will do as their attitude leads to underestimating who they’ve been paired against.

                There’s nothing worse than emotion sabotaging oneself in politics. This is such an elementary concern that even amateur chess players are taught better [0]:

                “27. Always assume your opponent will make the best move. Assume he will be fooled, and you will eventually set yourself up for trouble. Only by determining the best moves for _both_ sides can accurate analysis be done.”

                I propose that we advance, hands held, into strategic bliss and finally smite others in the ballots.



              • Canucklehead, I can’t go back to entertaining such impulses for belittling people. I think we should strive to improve ourselves at least in this regard, where we could change the tide in Venezuela little by little by improving our own political discourse.


    • whereby their [oppo] followers could mature out of the perceived foreign benevolence phase -expired sometime between FMI’s conditional lending of ’92 and today- and inally acquire voters in Venezuela for once.

      Pray tell, what percentage of the vote did the opposition get in the 2013 Presidential election?
      As that decadent foreign group Monty Python once opined, say no more.


      • ’13 presidentials are an important point for my argument as HCR’s influence rendered the opposition’s campaign the closest it has ever been to conceding towards then -14 yrs of oficialismo imposed culture, of which public opinion on ONGs is a subset.

        Nevertheless, HCR’s or Comando Simon Bolivar’s stance on HR/ONG wasn’t aligned with oficialismo, which is fine as the intention wasn’t to render it a decisive requirement but instead as one among many opportunities for improvement.

        Clearly, Lilian and co. defending Chavez’ legacy is a bigger showstopper for idealists that see effective campaigns as an affront to their personal dignity.


          • Sigh.

            It can’t be that campaign change proposals are met with drug abuse jokes if we as an opposition are to improve and capitalize on the ongoing crisis to finally acquire support from faltering chavistas.

            I’m trying to explain that whatever benefit we obtain from our current stance on international HR bodies is less than the alternative. I would love to hear explanations -not personal attacks- why this isn’t the case, since I want to learn from your knowledge.

            That’s why I’m and everybody should be here, not to repeatedly attack each other, accomplishing nothing.


        • I was requesting a simple number, not verbiage. Perhaps you are congenitally unable to supply that simple number. Perhaps you have reading comprehension problems and were unable to comprehend I was asking for a simple number, so supplied verbiage instead. Perhaps you have information searching problems and tried that inability to find information by supplying verbiage instead.


          • BoludoTejano,

            I have no problem with delivering said approval rate. I thought that it became a rhetorical question once I explained how a high approval would serve my purposes.

            Still, I will oblige since it seems to have become a credibility issue. Hopefully this revelation leads to less hostility between us.

            I believe HCR obtained around 50% approval during ’13’s presidentials.

            I invite you to consider my conjecture on HCR’s ’13’s electoral campaing and how it could relate to a shift on the opposition’s posture on ONGs.


    • “and finally acquire voters in Venezuela for once”

      Like the time there was presidential election in 2013 that the government claimed to win by a razor thin margin but didn’t allow any audits or recounts?

      Or like the time MCM became the most voted parliamentarian in National Assembly, only to be spelled from it without a recall referendum or a fair trial?

      Or like the time Enzo Escarano and Daniel Ceballos commanded victories in the 70%+ and 80%+ in their municipalities, only to be stripped from office on trumped up charges and convicted by a kangaroo court?



      • J. Navarro,

        I am sorry to inform you someone else already mentioned HCR’s results during last presidentials. Since I’ve responded to the original request, I invite that you join without diminishing the time you’ve spent listing several other opposition electoral victories which are insufficient to solicit meaningful change in the country.


        • “…opposition electoral victories which are insufficient to solicit meaningful change in the country”

          So only chavistas get to ask for a change in policy? And here I thought soliciting changes in policy from the Venezuela Government was already one of my constitutional rights!

          Artículo 51. Toda persona tiene el derecho de representar o dirigir peticiones ante cualquier autoridad, funcionario público o funcionaria pública sobre los asuntos que sean de la competencia de éstos o éstas, y de obtener oportuna y adecuada respuesta. Quienes violen este derecho serán sancionados o sancionadas conforme a la ley, pudiendo ser destituidos o destituidas del cargo respectivo.


          • “So only chavistas get to ask for a change in policy? And here I thought soliciting changes in policy from the Venezuela Government was already one of my constitutional rights!|

            No, Navarro. I’m not trying to grant chavistas rights and deprive the opposition.

            I’m talking about electoral victories that lead to influencing institutions beyond what ignored recitings of the constitution grant you. An example would be accomplishing AN majority which could be within our grasp if we seize the opportunity brought forth by the crisis and revise our campaign to concede on essential points.

            This is already occurring in high command. Ms. Tintori reveres chavez’s legacy, as does HCR, because they recognize the benefits.

            And of all that’s perfectly fine. We should further emulate them.


            • “Ms. Tintori reveres chavez’s legacy, as does HCR, because they recognize the benefits.”

              Ya va.

              Eso de que Lilian Tintori “venera” el Legado de Chávez no me lo puedes decir así. Mínimo un enlace al video donde lo dijo, la entrevista publicada de donde lo sacaste o la carta abierta donde lo expresó.


              • Lilian Tintori: ‘Queremos solidaridad y justicia’ – La Prensa (video y transcripción de entrevista):



                ¿Ha sido peor Nicolás Maduro que Hugo Chávez?

                Él nunca hubiese hecho lo que está haciendo Maduro. Maduro no es Chávez. Y Maduro rompió con el legado que le dejó Chávez. Y ese es el descontento que tenemos todos los venezolanos. Los chavistas no me puedo imaginar el dolor que pueden sentir. Y los que no somos chavistas, pues también sentimos una gran frustración porque el legado no lo continuó. Mas bien en un año el país se ha destrozado muchos más que los últimos 15 años. Veníamos mal, pero ahora estamos peor que nunca.

                ¿Qué legado le reconoce usted a Hugo Chávez?

                Su liderazgo. Su manera de hablar, nunca encarceló, nunca tuvimos presos políticos. Solo el hecho puntual e histórico del 11 de abril [de 2002, cuando se produjo un breve golpe de Estado que sacó del poder por una horas a Chávez], que llevó a la cárcel a Iván Simonovis. Ese fue el único grupo pero no hubo líderes políticos presos, no hubo alcaldes presos, no vimos nunca una represión en las calles como las que vimos este último año.

                Lo que yo le puedo reconocer a los líderes políticos es el respeto y la defensa de los derechos humanos. Y eso hoy no existe en Venezuela.


              • “Reveres” is too strong a verb, for her having said that Chavez was a strong leader, a good speaker, and less prone than Maduro to jailing opposition politicians


              • I consider the verb revere to be appropriate when someaone calls Chavez: The Eternal Giant, Eternal Commander, the Second Simon Bolivar, the third Jesus Christ (Bolivar being the 2nd Jesus Christ), or any other hagiographic terms.


              • J. Navarro,

                “[…] Maduro rompió con el legado que le dejó Chávez. Y ese es el descontento que tenemos todos los venezolanos. Los chavistas no me puedo imaginar el dolor que pueden sentir. Y los que no somos chavistas, pues también sentimos una gran frustración porque el legado no lo continuó.”

                I don’t understand why would she share “great frustration” with Venezuela as a whole, along chavistas, yet “revere” is an inappropriate choice.

                In any case, the contention is secondary. I would be willing to use your yet to be announced alternative, as long as you understand it’s a campaign shift towards chavismo because of the practical need of getting votes.


              • “[Chávez] nunca encarceló, nunca tuvimos presos políticos.”

                Como que alguien le puso musiquita a la entrevista. Que Chávez nunca encarceló? Si como nié.


    • dspur, I am engaging here since I think I get your point:

      What I can deduce you are getting at is that Chavismo can reasonably count on its supporters to not pay too much attention to cries of authoritarianism that opposition commentators and leaders seem to deploy as their most convincing–and sometimes only– argument for why it is them and not the current crop of corrupt officials that deserve to be in power. If this is what you are getting at then I agree that as a way to shift the tide of public opinion this is a pretty lame strategy and I despair at the fact that decades after Chavez won the presidency this is still the best the opposition can come up with. Its one massive ‘I told you so’ uttered by the most hated kid in the class and directed at people you are actually trying to recruit to your cause.

      I personally think this polarizing discourse succeeds in maintaining the very large minority that identifies with the opposition’s candidates voting for them while simultaneously entrenching support of hard-core Chavistas for their party. Stupidly, it also seems to verge on the calculation that if an election is won even by one vote Chavistas will relinquish power; it naively obviates the very one-sided nature of Venezuelan institutions we routinely denounce. It follows that to achieve regime change via the voting booths the opposition would need an extremely convincing win (55%-60% of votes to pluck a number out of thin air) and the only way to do that is by convincing people that routinely vote red to vote differently; a change of strategy would be needed.

      All things being equal to what they had been as recently as a few months ago I think this chronic incapacity of the opposition to appeal to a different constituency would have virtually guaranteed wins at the polls by Chavismo for the foreseeable future. Today I sincerely believe Maduro’s low levels of popularity and example after example of corrupt and inept mishandling of the country by its elected leaders coupled by plummeting oil prices worldwide have already eroded the center-most leaning crust of chavista support. To use your chess analogy, which I thought was brilliant, it wasn’t the smartest strategy but every once in a while your opponent does make mistakes.

      We have the legislative elections coming up to test whether in waiting for Chavismo to implode the opposition found a lazy but ultimately successful strategy. In the end, and this is where friends and family often part with my views, I think if the current crop of opposition leaders get back in the driving seat they will have learned little from the whole ordeal and we are likely to find ourselves in this very spot when the Chavez of the future is born and decides to done a liqui-liqui to tour Venezuela denouncing decades or centuries of entrenched inequality. History has a way of repeating itself and we all got a first row seat to figure out just why.


  2. So NM upped the ante… again. You can smell the coming armageddon, you can feel the meltdown heading our way beyond every corner, chickens coming home to roost, day of reckoning just ahead, and the rest of those clichés. I mean these guys are throwing the kitchen sink at what´s left of the Republic. But then again, haven’t we felt this numerous times before? In the end, unless we are willing to put out there a credible, inspirational, articulate alternative to this clusterfuck we will simply sink deeper into unfathomable depths…

    It’s no longer up to Nico and his gang. The ball’s been in our court for so long, and we’ve been simply side-stepping the issues. It is sometimes incrompehensible, even to the people who like me, still live here. I can understand on an intellectual level why we are so fucked, but in my gut I still cannot get it. I still cannot get why nothing happens. But then again, I am stupid.


  3. All I can think is that the regime is desperate to ignite an explosion so that it can use that as an excuse to clamp down on the opposition and close all institutional doors towards a peaceful change in govt .

    This is really the last straw . There are thousand of people all over venezuela who are desperately seeking hard to find drugs and other health products which they need to safeguard the health and life of their loved ones and who depend on Farmatodo to find them every so often . Now the govt is playing their little dumb games to show off how tough they are in punishing the evil businesses that presumably dont cater to the peoples wellfare .

    All because there was long queue of people waiting to enter one of dozens of stores belonging to Farmatodo in part due to the fact that all counters were no being manned to expedite purchases . We all know tht under the regimes abusive labour regulations a malingeering worker who doesnt show up for work without even an excuse can never be disciplined by it employers so that these situations are bound to happen through no fault of the drug store chain managers or directors.

    With their irresponsible and demagoguish measures the govt creates problem situations and then blames the owners of a store chain for a situation which is really the govts fault. Nothing more dastardly unjust and abusive than that . My family is among the thousand of families that use Farmatodo to find medicines which cant be found anywhere . To further increase our misery to create a show for the dumb publics consumption to sattisfy maduros need to show himself a thug full of arbitrary power is beyond the pale .!!

    I am incensed !! as are thousands of others .


    • “All I can think is that the regime is desperate to ignite an explosion so that it can use that as an excuse to clamp down on the opposition and close all institutional doors towards a peaceful change in govt .”

      What about the current and often repeated conundrum inside the opposition, where some take to the streets at the expense of those who would rather focus on upcoming parliament elections?

      Is it possible for the opposition to enact both activities or would it be better to focus on the electoral route, seeing that the government is, as you portray, investing in public unrest and as such the opposition needs to be impossibly conscious and organized to avoid playing into the govt.’s will?


  4. I dont know how relevant the discussion about Capriles votes two years ago , the crisis is now , the anger is now , the will to get these bastards out of govt now !! All those silly troll topics belong in the trash bin.!! Lets not get distracted with boorish discussions on who did what 14 years ago . !! Dont engage the trolls !!


    • Zero relevance at this juncture. But that’s the point: divert attention, enredar lo más posible. Todo loco con su tema. Y por acá pasan varios.


      • Syd just nailed it: “But that’s the point: divert attention,…” This thread is a perfect example of what “dspur” does. When confronted with an inexcusable outrage on the part of the government, he changes the subject by diverting our anger to himself. If you review this thread, you will find that three quarters of the comments are not about the subject of the post, but about irrelevancies that “dspur” has inserted into the discussion. If you are a casual reader looking for information or opinion on this event, you will have to scroll way past the kerfuffle with dspur before you will find any comments on the arbitrary and unjust detentions perpetrated by the government. Most people won’t get that far. Instead of scrolling past the irrelevant BS, they will close the page and move on looking for another source. Effectively, dspur has neutralized this posting as a barometer for public opinion to outsiders trying to understand what is going on here.


        • You are absolutely right, and it happens a lot. Dspur is very effectively neutralizing CC, thanks to all the responses he gets.


          • but I do find interesting the mental behaviors of these characters, their need to expound and pretend they have the educational preparation to do so, particularly in quantitative matters, and their overall intellectual laziness. The behaviors of these shams would not have surfaced so readily without a back-and-forth.


            • Syd,

              Do their “mental behaviors” really matter? The point is that they are succeeding. The number of people who actually participate regularly is this blog is small (perhaps 20 – 30 persons). However, it is read by many more (thousands?), who do not contribute or write comments. When Juan or Quico have their articles published in FT, it brings outsiders who want to learn more. Many journalists use the blog to look for context for their work. This blog DOES have an impact and DOES represent a threat to Chavismo’s Communicational Hegemony. They do not like it when they cannot control the message coming out of the country. What the trolls are doing (whether they are paid mercenaries or just useful idiots) is neutralizing the impact of the blog on public opinion. They are certainly not changing the opinions of anyone who actually knows what is happening in Venezuela. But for outsiders, they are making the comments threads useless as a source of information. And every time we engage them, we are assisting them to do so.


            • syd, perhaps the explanation is not to be found in “the mental behaviors of these characters,” but in what the GOV pays them to troll here.


        • Roy, this blog isn’t an indicative of public opinion whether I decide to participate or not. This is a niche crowd, mostly expats.


      • Totally! But why do people keep on feeding the troll? If dspur wants his own blog let him set it up and stop hijacking this one….

        With regards to Farmatodo, this is one of the most ridiculous things I have seen from this misgovernment. What about the lines at the Bicentenarios??? And every other government institution for that matter!!?? And the people still don’t kick these bums out??


  5. On January 15th, Fedecamaras said that there were 45 days of basic-goods inventories in the country ( That implies there are 30 days of basic goods inventories as of a couple of days ago. What the actual fuck is the government thinking? Really though, what is their end-game? They must know theatrics don’t feed people.


    • It does not sound like a situation that can be turned on a dime at the last minute, if that is what they are thinking.


  6. “What are they thinking?” I don’t think they are thinking. I think that they are panicking.

    On the contrary, if actions like this really are part of a plan, they are playing a very dangerous game with many Venezuelan lives at stake.

    Either way, the irresponsibility of this government is frightening.


  7. “or Herrera, C.A. in Valencia”

    Herrera C.A. is not in Valencia. The government first intervened their warehouse in Maracaibo and then in Barcelona (or maybe in the reverse order).

    According to their webpage, they are based in Barcelona, and also have offices in Ciudad Bolivar, Margarita, Carúpano, Maturín, Cumaná, Maracaibo and Puerto Ordaz.


  8. So. There are queues in a Farmatodo, which are clearly an act of sabotage, that requires inmediate prison for the chain’s management.

    There are also queues in the state owned supermarkets.

    … just saying…


  9. I imagine the govt as a thug in a school desperate and frustrated because hes getting failing grades and doesnt know how to improve his grades so he punches the skinny smart kid who does get good grades and accuses him of acting behind his back to make his teachers give him failing grades . Someones success is a magnet to attract the abuses of a thug whose incensed at his own failure . Its so raw, so crudely bullish , so much like the tantrum of crazed gorilla to take his frustration out on the guy next him blaming him for something so transparently false and made up that you cringe at the spectacle. !!


  10. Chavez left two legacies to his followers , one was the notion that Maduro was the guy to continue with the ‘project’ he had invested his lifes efforts to attempt to achieve ( a total delusion ) the other was a sense of distrust , loathing and hatred toward the class of whitey middle class people whose pols had betrayed them in the past when they controlled the 4th republic and who would never act to protect their interests.

    Of the two legacies the first one is pretty well bankrupt , part of the dream is there but Maduro s crisis has made most Chavista followers feel dissapointed at his incompetence and boorish play acting and Bull shit.
    They would like to like him but they no longer can . If he got lost in the wilderness and disssapeared no one one mourn his passing . Maduro is desperate to be like chavez and tries to inmitate his tone and style but miserably fails to do so. He is the epithome of lame mediochrity posing extravagantly and unconvincingly as a leader of men.

    The second legacy is still alive , a bit weakened , but not erased from their minds and its the one which is most difficult for the opposition to handle . Its hard for Oppo leaders to win the sympathy of many desillusioned Chavez followers because the minds of the latter are poisoned against them . That was Chavez work and its the one thing still holding hs former followers from abandoning Maduro all together .


  11. I know that this is nothing new here in Venezuela, but if you are new here, note that the detentions were carried out by direct order from the Chief Executive (not to say “Dictator”) without any investigation or warrant by any judicial official. There is no mention of what specific law has been broken, only a charge of “economic war” and “conspiracy”. There is no rule of law in Venezuela. Anyone can be jailed for anything at the whim of the government.


    • Sure gives a dirty foreigner a warm comfy feeling when trying to decide to invest in anything in Venezuela.


  12. I would think into something witty, but maybe for later.

    For now, I’ll just say that the marabunta strikes again, guided by traitors who told them where to land.


  13. Ironically, Farmatodo has participated willingly in all Miraflores often-televised meetings to increase production/distribution of scarce consumer products, and have actually signed documents to this effect. So much for trying to collaborate with the enemy. I knew key family members responsible for expanding Farmatodo from a one-pharmacy outlet many years ago, to a modern multi-outlet chain with centralized warehousing, modern inventory control/distribution, all based on collaboration with a successful US similar chain, and at great capital investment. A great example of entrepreneurship to be followed in any normal country, except a backward Cuban-Communist failed-everywhere model like Venezuela. Further medicines scarcity, on top of a very critcal current scarcity, will be the result, as well as zero foreign investment into the Country (so much for “private actors” participation in the new forex “free market”…).


    • Exactly! In fact, Farmatodo has tried to cooperate with the government by selling regulated products. In doing so, the queues and chaos at their stores have chased away their normal clientele. So, now they are not making money by selling other products, and there can’t be much profit in selling the regulated products. And what is their reward for cooperating with this government at a great loss of profit? Jail.

      Meanwhile, across the street, Provemed (another pharmacy chain), which avoids selling such regulated merchandize does not have either queues or chaos, and is not being hassled by the government.

      So, what is the lesson for the private stores? Stop all trade in regulated items, thus adding to the scarcity problem.


  14. Found on Las Armas de Coronel:
    Communists at the root are just elitist thugs masquerading as the saviors of the poor while they fill their pockets with $$$. The fear with them as they gain absolute power is that you will get vicious massacres of anyone they see as a threat. The revolution long ago had already started to jail any opposition figure that had popularity and create any and all possible scapegoats they could dream up to cover their mistakes. Now you can see that Maduro is utterly desperate like a man floundering in quicksand. Chavez knew better than to destroy the private sector because, like it or not, it provided goods needed by the public and helped maintain a sort of uneasy social calm that balanced Chavez’s fiery rhetoric with what he actually did. Since Maduro has fallen irrevocably into the “Cuban trap,” the revolution is now eating its young and anything could happen. Murder and mass exodus are likely candidates for the future as conditions worsen. Who can forget the image of a policewoman gleefully pounding a protestor’s face with her riot helmet? When Castro once stated a few years back that “socialism doesn’t even work for us anymore,” I guess Maduro was not listening. Real bullets now for real protestors. “maldito el soldado que utilice las armas de la republica contra su pueblo” – Simon Bolivar.


    • Actually, most “Communists” probably start with the best of intentions. But the thugs quickly overwhelm them and take over. Ask Leon Trotsky.


      • Intentions are only as good as our willingness to embrace reality, and many are not willing…so I would actually question their intentions.My obersvation of many who take to ideology, is that they have a strong penchant for wanting to control others…Translating that into ” good intentions” for me anyway would be a leap of faith.


  15. Inaccuracies in Stolk’s piece:

    In Farmatodo of Los Ilustres only 3 out of 10 cashiers were open causing huge lines to form.

    In declarations the directors of Farmatodo blamed the workers for hiding products.

    The Farmatodo stores will now be supervised as the law allows – not expropiated – to ensure that products are oggered to the public and not kept in the deposit at the abck of the store as lines form.

    For readers information – earlier this month a Farmatodo stores in Falcón was looted by angry customers as they discovered that the staff of the store were hoarding the diapers they were seeking instead of offering them to the public.

    Today I went to my local Farmatodo store – all the cashiers were open for a change.

    There were huge lines inside the store (about 30 miniutes to pay) as many people turned up in the belief that more products would be avialble now that arrests of the directora had been made.

    They were right. Shaving razors; shampoo, liquid bath soap and noraml bath soap were all available but beung handed out in a limited way by employees at the back of the store.

    Whatever Stolk’s take on the measures against Farmatodo 167 stores, the fact is that customers instinctively knew that more products would be on offer after Maduro acted.

    Finally – and this is for Roy – the directors were held in custody pending investigations and as far as we know, have not yet been charged. The Superintendant of Fair Prices has had Faramtodo on its radar for some time so this action is no surprise – especially when this company usualñly has at least half the cashiers closed to generate lines.

    Dictator indeed – you still need your head examinining after all these years.


    • According to our chavista Animal Farm troll and elsewhere, the government’s Inspecteur Cluzot, all problems of l-o-o-o-n-g queues are now solved at the privately run Farmatodo, which has a history of cooperating with the government, ever since the arraignment of its eeeeevil directors.

      Now perhaps this same troll can apply his it’s-the-fault-of-the-oppo-the-CIA-the-NED to why there are problems of l-o-o-o-n-g queues at the government stores


    • Chavismo Hypocrisy…
      Perhaps said chavista troll can explain to the rest of us, why the directors of Farmatodo are sanctioned for internal issues, when the buhoneros, or street peddlers, who illegally sell price-regulated merchandise at overvalued prices, are not.


  16. Such sad irony here-Farmatodo being the Vz equivalent of the well-run U.S. CVS chain and thinking ahead to further tweak the customer experience. Google IDC/Farmatodo/Kony and read article- I can’t print the link because it requires authorization to reprint link etc- it can be downloaded nonetheless.


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