58 thoughts on “Mayhem in Caracas (UPDATED)

  1. I think one of the murdered was Bassil Alejandro Dacosta Frías. He was born in 1990 and was voting at the Grupo Escolar Eugenio Pignat de Bellard, Miranda.


  2. And it will means nothing to anyone. By Friday he will be forgotten and that is the main reason why Venezuela is where it is.
    I was in El Centro on 4/11 and as a doctor I tried to help a couple of wounded that day, one of them died in my hands and his name was not even mentioned on the dead count of that day.
    How sad and discouraging this entire situation is. I am really really sorry for his family and friend


  3. These are some of the messages I have received from young people who are on the streets of Caracas today :

    “Ilegales “colectivos” armados por la candelaria, pendientes!!”

    Plomo en Parque Carabobo!!

    “”Plomo en la candelaria tmb.. van 2 heridos y aparentemente 1 muerte segun me.informan.. y hay varios motorizados dando vueltas x la av libertador”

    “3 heridos de perdigones y uno de bala en la cabeza… muchisima tension en la calle”


  4. You have enough people continue this for long enough, eventually the army might just begin to open their eyes and start questioning those in power.


      • Exactly.

        An officer in the army has probably had a better return on his income, both official and unofficial, over the last 10 years than any Venezuelan bond holder.

        Why should they care or desire to get involved when this is amongst the best possible scenarios they could have?


  5. Reuters reports:

    A Reuters cameraman and a photographer heard shots and saw one protester had fallen to the ground. The man was then carried away dead, the witnesses said, apparently shot in the head.

    With both pro- and anti-government demonstrations underway in the city, neither the identity of the man nor the gunman were immediately clear.

    But National Assembly head Diosdado Cabello said he was a government supporter. “He’s a comrade assassinated by the right-wing fascist hordes,” he said in a speech.



  6. A cousin of mine wrote:
    “Quisiera saber sí alguien puede confirmar esto : Rumor: Ultima hora!!! Se conoció, de manera extraoficial, que ya la rapidez y eficiencia de los Tribunales “rojos” emitieron la boleta de captura contra LEOPOLDO LOPEZ, como responsable de sucesos en el país. Asimismo, se conoció que la Asamblea Nacional convocó para el día de mañana, jueves 13 de febrero, una Sesión Extraordinaria en la que se solicitaría la suspensión de la inmunidad parlamentaria a la diputada MARIA CORINA MACHADO… Ruédalo, que éste es el único medio que tenemos!”

    Has anyone heard anything about this?


    • Maduro just announced that they are going after Fernando Gerbasi and Mario Ivan Carratú Molina. VTV ran an audio of supposedly them talking about what was going to happen today.


  7. Interesting to note that the “pro-government” supporters have their faces covered. The Opposition does not. What does that tell you?


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