Capriles speaks: “El cambio está cerquitica”

10:16 PM: Live blogging Capriles’ speech. Adopting a somber tone, he saves the best bit for the post-speech press interview: “already there have been two defeated vice-presidents [Diosdado and Jaua], we’ll see who the next candidate is.”

Mentions Falcón, Guarulla, and Velásquez. Says that in spite of that, he is not happy. Tells  the truth: we held the fort in Miranda.

Talks about the shoddy work inaugurating public works that weren’t working a few days later. Criticizes the excessive government propaganda. Says chavistas were trying to blackmail people. Throws some love at some of the losers today, calls them leaders. Smart – he’s gonna need them in the future.

Venezuelans: the struggle continues. The fight continues. We must fight back against the abuse of power. Combative. Talks about Chávez’s cancer, says chavistas are using cancer for electoral purposes. Calls him “our President” … PLOP.

Says the federal government is responsible for crime. Talking about “struggle” a lot. Talks about communities he’s visited. Says the government doesn’t provide answers. Speech focusing on graft right now.

Says he’s happy for Miranda, not for Venezuela. Says the moment of change for Venezuela is close. Asks for Venezuelans to keep the faith. Says Venezuelans are looking for people who do a good job, for a government that speaks for all. Says that a new government is coming. Says people sometimes win on their second or third try. Practically announcing his candidacy now!

Says change is really close, it’s in the air. Venezuelans want answers to their problems. No mentioning Maduro yet – he really should define him.

Bottom line: combative, but he really should have focused on Maduro a bit more. Mixed bag for me.

68 thoughts on “Capriles speaks: “El cambio está cerquitica”

    • No, he didn’t.

      But he said “somos el mejor pais del mundo” again. Please, HCR just stop it. We’re not.


              • You lived it? Think again. That was CAP first period, I presume. Far from “el mejor país del mundo”… Just a country with oil money to throw away… just like now.


              • You obviously didn’t live any of it! From 1945 to the latter 1960’s, as I recall, Venezula had one of the fastest growths in real $ GDP/capita in the world, and also one of the highest absolute levels. So what if it was built on oil.


              • I’m sorry for F.T.’s personal experience, and now know why this Blog originated. Betancourt, an original Leftist, did what he needed to do to keep the country democratic. Or, do you think those who squirreled away Niehaus for two years or so were pussycats? And, how do you propose to clean up Venezuela’s street violence–COPP II? Syd, it wasn’t an illusion, but the unprepared/uneducated politicians screwed it up, and, quite frankly, it looks at this moment irrecuperable.


              • We weren’t. Switzerland, France, the U.S. had a better standard of living than Venezuela during that time. If you change it and say, “among the best in Latin America” then you have a point. Otherwise it can’t be explained why we received so many immigrants. Also, our real $GDP/capita wasn’t growing the fastest but the stablest. Then CAP entered… and the rest is history.


              • This country wasn´t screwed up by “uneducated” politicians. People like Rafael Caldera(who contributed a lot to the rise of chavismo) were quite educated.


              • CACR: I said politicians (with an s), which in general is true. Caldera, the worst screw-up of all, was educated. So was “Dr.” Lusinchi, but there is good education, and there is bad education (Jaua’s Tia said he was an outstanding student-??!!!?)


  1. > Calls him “our President” …
    So I bow my head, utter el llanto, make a sign of the cross, look to my right and left and see his supporters. Then I suck it up and chill. Whining’s not me.


  2. In an interview after the speech, he says he’s already defeated two Vice-Presidents, he wants to go for the third. Finally!


  3. The next won’t be a vice-president, but a “president of vice”, which is not the same thing: in this case “el orden de los factores afecta el producto”.

    The thing is looking “cabellúa”…

    Worst of it, most of the bankers and the rich will accept it. Cabello wants money… so do they… Prepare for the worst…


  4. You are all forgetting January 5th…

    Even in Maduro has the moustache, hecho el “pendejo” (DRAE with you: “pendejo” means “pubic hair”) is the next Gómez…


  5. In Miranda, cohetones y celebración… Más que el 7-O…

    We suffer from a lack of vision that amounts to perfect blindness…


  6. Off to bed folks. Thanks to Gustavo, Quico, and all our readers who provided helpful info. We didn’t make any mistakes in our calls today, once again. (except for the margin on the win in MIranda, but that’s not too serious imho)


  7. BREAKING: Bolivar is called for Rangel Gomez. Andres Velasquez doesn’t accept that. It was very, very, very close. 43%-42%.


  8. I hate to rain on anybody’s parade, but the results today were disastrous. Capriles beat out Complete Dud Jaua by only a small margin, and in Miranda State, where there are still some middle class people who are educated enough to think logically. The Chavistas have pissed all over Tachira and Zulia, and they still voted for PSUV. Similarly for Bolivar. A PSUV paracaidista beat popular Gato Briceno in Monagas. Margarita is a mess, with high crime/poor tourism/reduced nationalized Conferry service, and a local Oppo Governor, who supposedly controlled the local voting machinery, lost to a PSUV paracaidista. What’s there to celebrate? Where’s the silver lining??? The only way the Venezuelan general electorate of uneducated Tiramealgos will vote for something different is if the price of oil crashes, and they really go hungry. Until then, the Country will slide at an ever faster rate into the abyss.


    • Capriles did a great thing, I mean two months ago, the state turned red, so now he can claim his victory, proving that he is a leader. I dare anyone to do that, Pablo Perez couldn’t do that. As for the other states, c’est’ la vie. These results is what most people were expecting, in fact it didn’t surprised me at all.

      The bright side is that the old establishment, AD-Copei-UNT, will disappear once and for all.


    • Dear Net.
      A small comment on your previous debate. I think you are partially right when you said Venezuela was a paradise; you seem to be a gentleman with some miles already.
      My point is that unlike several in the blog, I believe Venezuela’s case, is one of MALA LECHE, rather than the unavoidable yoke of history. I explain myself, everyone complains about CAP I as if the guy acted irresponsibly all the way through, indebted the country and accustomed Venezuelans to handouts. Folks seem to forget that the Yom Kippur war shut the oil prices ten fold, enormous dollar surpluses coming from Arab states were reported in US and European banks which, at the same time, had to lend that money to be able to pay interests and get any profit from it. Loans to countries reached almost 0% interest, and even more interestingly, did anybody hear the word ISI? Very relevant to Latin America during those days. IT MADE ALL THE SENSE to reap these low interest rates, even the more so if you needed a massive amount of money to finance industrialisation and the like.
      When Paul Volcker rose interest rates in the US, in response to stagflation, during the first days of Reagan, and unleashed the Latin American debt Crisis, he didn’t give a dam about the debtors because he was representing the interests of the lenders. End of history.
      You are right when you mention Venezuela’s GDP growth rates along the 60s and 70s, not counting that Caracas was the most important city for architects in the world during the 50s. I read from one ñángara when I studied in SOAS that Venezuela was so uninteresting for researchers due to its stability as democracy that when you wanted to look up for a subject it was almost impossible to find relevant information. Useless to say the Caracazo came as a shock not only for Venezuelans.
      The social decomposition that has entangled Venezuela since 1980 its a common pattern across the developing world. It is aggravated by AD’s decision to democratize the FFAA after Gómez, something it can only be attributed to Betancourt, making them an easy target for leftist infiltration. It is also an historical fact that in Venezuela the bourgeoisie resulted badly hurt during the Independence and the ensuing civil wars of the XIX century, diminishing its influence in society. We won’t ever see a Coup like the one in Allende’s Chile because our FFAA are full of pueblo.
      Too bad that our 80s crisis encountered two trolls like Luis Herrera and Lusinchi, the latter one too busy excerpting control over AD, to navigate the turbulent waters of Venezuela. Too bad too that Venezuela’s middle class didn’t vote to restore order in 1989, but to get back to the old times, not wanting to sacrifice anything.


      • Another point:
        “You obviously didn’t spend any of that period in a the Cuartel de San Carlos being sodomized with a broom stick after an electric shock torture session.”
        Give me a break. These ñángaras are so lucky to have been born here…
        If you don’t believe me, ask Arias what the military did with Orlando Letelier when, after he saved him, he kept campaigning in Washington against the coup in Chile…


  9. So Capriles is happy because he has won against 2 possible contenders and believes he can win against Maduro. Well, Capriles you lost against the the Big pappy, lets not forget that.
    How can anyone have even a frown on their face when the only hope we have is based on someone else dying a not in real change in the Venezuelan people? A este país se lo llevo el demonio.
    An also, Capriles, you are a politician, not a priest. Stop with the same old El tiempo de Dios,ask Cubans about EL tiempo de Dios…


    • He decimated the oppo, he feathered and tarred them out of a bunch of key states. the old pols are now history. take it on the chin. back in the 60’s dylan used to prattle about how times are achangin’. History just repeated itself.


  10. I think that tonight taught (or confirmed) several things

    1) No one lives forever: it was damn about time that the salas left carabobo, as well as in the case of nueva esparta, con que bolas (how dare you) to criticize chavez for “eternizing” himself in the power when this people is doing exactly the same. Too bad that it had to happen on this circumstances, but enough is enough. People DO get tired.

    2) As you put it, the old politics is dead: AD is becoming more and more irrelevant with each passing election, COPEI too, and Un Nuevo Tiempo will become irrelevant by the next elections where it will not win any alcaldia. Now we have a truly young leadership, apparently guided by capriles and falcon, but the dinosaurs of yore have taken a serious hit this time.

    3) This is the time to get rid of that old politics and the bad habits it had, this “new” generation of politicians should distance as much as they can of that style for two reasons: first, this kind of politics got us in this mess for the first place, second: it may well be the only way to become somewhat electable.

    4) I think that there’s a possibility that a cycle is closing: in 1998, people were TIRED of the politics of that time, here came Hugo the saviour, challenging the stablishment and he became the leader of a movement that supposedly was fighting against the vices of the old system and truyly bring happiness to everyone, with this election, people proved they are TIRED of politics in general (both sides, see the abstention level) now it’s only a matter of time until (hopefully) a new leadership will rise, representing a new way of thinking, attacking the stablishment and manages to win people’s favor, closing this cycle and opening a new one, someone that is to chavismo what chavismo was to “puntofijismo”

    5) Until 4) is not achieved, I agree with Juan, we’re unelectable. period.

    6)States are not personal haciendas, UNT, PV, and yes, PJ, I’m talking to you, the first two lost because they thought they could do whatever they want in their states, now, PJ as “the main party in oppo” should learn and avoid those mistakes IF you want to have a shot at becoming 4)

    7) and a little bit OT: the best advertising is your work and accomplishments as a leader, how you manage to do good and how you deal with bad. Case of study: pablo perez. I live in maracaibo, some of my relatives work for the regional government, he sucked, and eveling cost him quite a few votes because of the POOR way she has handled maracaibo, obviously reflected on pablo, and the worst of all: how did he expect to win, knowing that he had a tough race ahead, coming from a losing elections, not campaining nearly half as much as his opponent and allowing himself to make such a big mistake as NOT PAYING YOUR WORKERS THEIR CHRISTMAS BONUS!! everyone working for the regional gvt was really really pissed off with that, and the older ones remembered how good things were when arias was governor and that, maybe if we had a chavista governor, who also happened to have a good term, zulia would be better because caracas would send more money (quite ironic for the people that claim that they should be independent). Pablo, the signs were there and you missed them big time. BTW good luck to manuel.

    8) Chavez IS a defining factor in elections, confirmed, period. Jaua and arias had the entire state machinery at their disposal, and yet, jaua didnt manage to win even so and arias won because pablo SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKEEEEEEDDDD, This plays in opposition favor when chavez is out of the map (after a temporary “for our beloved leader” period)

    9) To all the oppo whiners out there: thank you, you worthless scum, if you went out to vote, just like 7-O we would have done so much better, now, you gave the country for free, just becuase “boo-hoo, we lost on october”. You had no excuses. Let’s say that you werent going to vote in the first place, fine, but by 10am you WILL have known that the polling stations were empty, so, it didn’t cost you anything to get you sorry bottombackparts and go out and vote in less than 5 minutes. Just make sure to do the same for the next presidential election.

    10) Capriles, you want another shot at a presidential election? You have 30 days to prove beyond all reasonable doubt that you’re not as comeflor anymore, that you will call things for their name, no more pajaritos preñaos. That you were the fake one so it was better to keep the original? Now there will be two fakes, maduro and capriles, one has been blessed by the supreme itself on national television, so in fake unknown vs fake known with blessing from the supreme, fake known is gonna win hands down. You wanna win? You have to become 4).

    11) Just as 2005: abstention leads to nowhere, only to our selfdestruction. Look what happened then and now and compare it with what happened on 2007 and 2010, and hell, even in the presidentials. It should be fairly simple by now: you vote, they lose, you dont vote you lose BIG TIME. So, even for pure selfishness, go out and vote!

    12th and last: we lost big time. and for what I see, we will lose next year. unless things change dramatically, as juan puts it: we’re unelectable, so, if we have nothing left to lose for the next 4 years (election-wise), then the opposition has the opportunity to reinvent itself. No more dinosaurs, no more shady characters, if you wanna beat “the man” you must not copy it. “we’re losing the machinery?”, as if it were useful the old dinosaurs machinery! do a great job, a REALLY great job and that will be your machinery. This is the time for change, we must take this huge blow as a chance to build someting better, burn bridges with the old politics and make something better for all of us, as individuals, as a people and as a country.

    Last but not least:
    PP: FU

    There, I had to say it :p :)


    • Nice, nice, nice. I do agree with a lot of what you put there.
      I disagree with two things: Both related to Capriles, That fake unknown have given us the best faliure agaisnt ch. The opposition have been criticizing the government since day one and that gave almost nothing, just one single victory (“de mierda”, remember?). Capriles Lost with million plus votes difference. The smallest one so far and was able to still keep office where he lost during the October election. Even when people didn´t want to vote.
      Do not put Capriles in the sack with the other, during campaign i receive phone calls, SMS asking for support, not just my vote. The night before election young people were visiting explaining how to vote. Capriles ir where he is now thanks to that effort. I think that he is your 3) and also evidence of 7) not truly being OT


      • Honestly, I think that’s irrelevant :p

        Obviously, it’ll be better if they are in the best terms with each other, I can’t remember where, but someone said that “he didn’t trust henry falcon because he was a talanquera jumper. I’m sure a lot of people think the same, but to them I say: have you not changed your mind on something at least ONCE? That’s how many talanquera jumping you’re allowed to do, a single one, and AFAIK, that’s what henry has done so far.

        The problem is not that who’s the best team, when the MUD defended the primaries by burning electoral books once the process was finished, by facing the CNE and the TSJ, I thought we were on the right track, not being lambs marching to the slaughterhouse anymore raised a lot of people’s morale. Capriles campaign was not the best, but it was awesome, we have to give credit to those guys, and we all thought capriles was going to win, yest, that part of the job they aced it, but not all the required bits.

        The problem is that we, as electorate, feel that no matter what we do, the man wins, that no matter what we think, a party’s cogollo has the last word, so, why would I vote for that? I kind of understand those who abstained in nueva esparta and carabobo because enough is enough (the rest, not excused), fortunately, that situation was an exception, not the rule, but it clearly reflects this point (together with zulia and tachira).

        Bolivar himself may show up in an arepa an annoint capriles as president and henry as his vice, all of this live on national television, none of that will matter if people don’t go to vote for them. Political parties: even for your own selfish goals: you NEED to gain peple’s trust once again if you want to keep living.

        The wound is still fresh from last night, and this should be the time where capriles (assuming he’s running for president) addresses the country with the following speech (henrique, feel free to copy it, just give credit to the CONCERNED venezuelans on the net):

        Compatriotas. El resultado de las elecciones regionales del dia de ayer revela una verdad innegable de nuestra realidad nacional. Los altos niveles de abstencion registrados durante el proceso electoral, especialmente comparados con la alta participación registrada en las elecciones presidenciales del 7 de octubre, demuestran que existe una alta desmotivación por parte del electorado para ejercer su derecho al voto. El voto directo, secreto y universal (emphasis on that) es la base de toda democracia, y el que un pueblo se niegue a ejercer algo que ha costado la vida de tantos debe ser considerado una afrenta a nuestros valores, a nuestra forma de vida, a nosotros mismos, como pueblo y como personas. A lo largo de los ultimos 30 años de nuestra historia, hemos visto como la apatia por parte del electorado se corresponde con un hastío con los gobernantes de turno, quienes representan sus intereses particulares, así como los de sus grupos de poder, pero no los del pueblo, lo vivimos con la caida del llamado puntofijismo, cuando el pueblo, cansado de gobiernos adecos y copeyanos, totalmente desconectados de la realidad nacional, permitieron el ascenso al poder de un candidato emergente, totalmente desconectado de la vieja politica, con una propuesta de pais radicalmente diferente a la existente y cualquier oferta del estado establecido, prometiendo atacar los vicios de los que el pueblo se había cansado largo tiempo atrás. Este candidato capto inmediatamente la atención del pueblo, del ciudadano de a pie y ante ésta opcion y un candidato que encarnaba la vieja política de la que el pueblo estaba harto, no era sino obvia la elección a realizar. Hoy, a casi 15 años despues, veo ese mismo momento, un pueblo cansado de un gobierno, que tiene 14 años, tres períodos presidenciales, echandole la culpa de sus fracasos al gobierno anterior, cuando ellos lo han sido en 3 ocasiones anteriores ya, el pueblo esta cansado de una política de conexiones, de contactos, donde para ascender lo que importa es a quien conoces y no que eres o que haces, donde el asunto está en cómo darle la vuelta a las cosas en lugar de hacerlas de una vez, y yo veo que éste gobierno cada día más es un fiel espejo de aquello que en 1998 prometió atacar. Pero no sólo es así el gobierno, algunas propuestas de política dentro de la oposición democrática siguen representando esa vieja política que el pueblo rechazó, rechaza y rechazará, y por tanto, no tiene sentido pretender dar vida a aquello que ya ha caducado. Sin embargo, quiero agradecer a esos actores, por ser artífices, en primer momento, de los 40 años de estabilidad democrática que vivió nuestro país, ejemplo a seguir en el mundo durante su época, pero los tiempos han cambiado, el pueblo ha cambiado, y por tanto la política debe cambiar, no podemos criticar algo de lo cual nosotros mismos pecamos y por tanto, debemos dejar atrás esa parte de nuestra historia política si en realidad deseamos construir un futuro mejor. A los partidos tradicionales les digo: gracias por su trabajo, pero ya es momento de bajar al sepulcro y dejar que una nueva generación, una nueva forma de hacer política tenga una oportunidad pór sí misma, libre de una influencia que nuestro pueblo percibe como tóxica, como viciada de un pasado al que se niega a regresar. A la nueva generación de líderes políticos les digo: no pequemos, no repitamos los errores del pasado, si pedimos la oportunidad de hacer las cosas mejor, debemos cumplir nuestra parte. Al pueblo venezolano le digo: debemos levantarnos de las cenizas y construír una nueva forma de hacer política, que realmente sirva a los intereses de la nación, un país de los venezolanos para los venezolanos, un país donde el tener tu propia casa no sea una lotería, un país donde los delincuentes no tengan más poder que los policías, y mucho menos, que sean lo mismo, un país donde tu trabajo se vea justamente remunerado y no que vendas tu vida por salario mínimo, un país donde tengas seguridad de qué pasará mañana y no donde temas por el mañana, aún si vives día a día. Venezuela, ésta es tu oportunidad de renacer de las cenizas y ser un país aún más grandioso de lo que lo fuiste en tu mejor momento, tómala.

        After all, if capriles can’t beat a bunch of agonizing diniosaurs after they have been blown to almost dead, how the hell we an expect him to clean the executive, legislative and judiciary powers, not to mention armed forces, prisons, crime and such…


    • Now go to El Universal, buy a whole page ad, translate your message and publish it. Don’t waste your time with us, half of this blog is abroad.


      • This wont get published anywhere because a) it hurts too much too many interests, we’re in a me-me-me-first society, remember? that’s what brought and keeps us in this mess, and b)as someone said (in spanish) “those who read papers didn’t go out and vote, and those who wipe their butts with newspapers were the ones voting”.

        Half of this blog is abroad? True dat, but that means that half of this blog’s life happens in venezuela, and we can tell al amigo, and al amigo del amigo, and al amigo del amigo del amigo, and so on until a critical mass is reached. Then caracaschronicles can claim that movement was born in here :)


        • My point was to illustrate you that we are educated, speak other language, and most of us live or have lived abroad, and as in my case, some live between two or more countries. In this sense, the blog is elitesco and for that matter most of us are antichavistas viscerales, with the poignant exception of Cort Greene. Therefore, there is no one to convince here.
          We can hear your loud screams, but we won’t be able to do anything about it…
          And regarding the newspapers, as I said you can publish in Ultimas Noticias or Meridiano, just make sure you put a semi-naked girl next to your title “we’re all fucked until you cunts blah blah blah…”
          Critical masses are something just a conjunction of interests can create. We are out of the radar for the moment, everything is happening in the Middle East and Asia. If you believe you can create a critical mass by blogging and twitting go ahead. I’ll wait sitting behind my VPN connection…


          • “Critical masses are something just a conjunction of interests can create. We are out of the radar for the moment, everything is happening in the Middle East and Asia.”

            Middle east did it on themselves, why can’t we ;)

            “If you believe you can create a critical mass by blogging and twitting go ahead. I’ll wait sitting behind my VPN connection…”

            I don’t pretend to be saviour of venezuela by just typing in the comfort of my house sitting in my backbreaking chair, I’m not “me-iria-demasiado” stupid :p but what I can do is talk with everyone I know about this and make them think, and try to make them do the same I did to them, what I meant by saying that half this blog still lives in venezuela is that those who still live in venezuela can do that, our goal is to make people think, that’s all, because anyone that thinks logically will clearly see what is happening. Making thinking viral is the key, if you think, you can question, until youd ont question, you can’t change, and change is what we need (for the better, of course)

            BTW, that would be a nice title for a book on venezuela’s demise “We’re all fucked, you cunts”


            • Believe me!
              I truly understand you position and I really sympathize with you. I even agree with you.
              But formally speaking, my understanding of Venezuela’s history does not let me inclining for these virtual mechanisms. We are in several ways a very primitive society, with the aggravating of having very bad luck, bad timing and so on…


              • “We are in several ways a very primitive society, with the aggravating of having very bad luck, bad timing and so on…”

                Bad luck? Bad timing?
                Instead of blaming airy-fairy factors, try a couple of these concrete realities: facilismo, poor education, opportunism, ‘show-offness’, delirios de grandeza … anything but the will to build bit by bit for the long term, anything but the realization that building for the long term takes a collective conscience and a will, helped by ethical leadership that sets a good example.


            • “Middle East did it on themselves”
              Well, that’s a whole way to unleash WWIII in a forum. I don’t believe these guys did it on their own. In any case there is a massive difference between these fellas in the Middle East and our cool Venezuela-playita-rumba mates. We don’t have temperament for that, moreover we would get ladillados very easily.
              I’d love to be proofed wrong…


              • “In any case there is a massive difference between these fellas in the Middle East and our cool Venezuela-playita-rumba mates. We don’t have temperament for that, moreover we would get ladillados very easily.”

                Exactly, until that breaks, we’ll still be in the same situation.

                BTW, I’m so used to people being complete idiots that I feel that I have to thank you for not being a hoygan-trollface scumbag :$


    • “5) Until 4) is not achieved, I agree with Juan, we’re unelectable. period.”

      That conclusion is wrong until everything’s been tried…


  11. Please somebody makes a table with the numbers… take a look at abstention, Barinas >50% !
    After all the efforts from the government, Chávez calling to vote for him as he is dying… I think people are fed up with the PSUV pressure to vote. Nobody from PSUV was smiling yesterday, if you discount Jorge Rodriguez gurn.


  12. Just like capitalism is dying , the oppo’s bit the dust and I am no big fan of the PSUV election machine either and it looks like y’all stay at home was worst.

    As for the next election, don’t count your chickens who is running, how soon it is and the President may have another surprise for you, again…

    Rojo Rojito



    • Oh dear!
      We all missed you, cunt. Where have you been? Crying as your leader is taken away for that Capitalism you swear is dying?
      You dislike the machinery, not the mess the machinery has caused, good for you. It is very cool to be a ñángara, living in London, New York or Copenhagen.
      Move to Caracas and get fucked by hampa, prices, and of course, your coma andante.
      I bet this one is not going to pass the filter…


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