Checking In

So I was finally released from the hospital this morning, after receiving treatment for a very aggressively bleeding duodenal ulcer. My red blood cell count still sucks, so I’m supposed to stay in bed most of the time for the next several weeks. (So yell at me if I start posting too much!)

In a weird way, it was kind of nice to be in hospital: definitely, six days is the longest I’ve been continuously offline since at least 1998. I did crazy things like take an actual book and read it from cover to cover in one day. I’d sort of forgotten you can live like that. It was sort of nice.

Thanks to everyone for your kind messages during my absence – I just saw them today. I was touched.

29 thoughts on “Checking In

  1. Welcome back, Quico. Take it easy, and don’t read anything about AD or Ramos Allup or the opposition primaries because your ulcer is going to burst again.


  2. Glad you’re doing better. Take care of yourself more than the doctors tell you to (e.g., if they say two weeks, take three).


  3. Ah, Quico, what happened to you was a bloody shame. (Sorry, could not resist the bad pun).

    Get well soon. We miss you!


  4. Quico!
    Good to hear you’re doing better.
    You know? Now comes the tough part! You’re free “on your own reconnaissance” which means you have to take care of yourself, you have to measure how much you can do and when you should take a break. It’s not easy, I hope you master it.
    It’s a widely ignored fact that too much brain work can kill your stomach because both require enormous amount of energy and blood to work well.
    So take it easy!

    Oh and I recomend taking Glutamine to speed up recovery of your gastric cells.
    Google it.


  5. You better recover. The new government (our government, 2013) won’t be apt easily-broken-duodena type of guys


  6. Take care FT! I’m glad you’re ok pero “mucho reposo”!
    Play a videogame :)

    By the way,where’s arturo?


  7. Welcome back Quico! Glad to know you are getting well.
    Please do take care, and rest (mentally and physically).


  8. Francisco – take it easy. You don’t need an excuse to relax for the first time since launching CC in 2002.


  9. “I’m supposed to stay in bed most of the time for the next several weeks. (So yell at me if I start posting too much!)”

    What, you can’t post in bed? (Laptop or tablet + wifi = computing while lying in bed or maybe sitting up.)


  10. You might be surprised to hear this from a political opponent, but I was genuinely sorry to read that you’ve been unwell. It might be the perfect opportunity to assess all aspects of your lifestyle from stress to diet to exercise, and make the necessary adjustments. Good luck.


    • Calvin,

      You are rather very predictable, actually. I don’t think anyone would be surprised to read those words from you, unless it’s you after just typing them.


  11. Not sure I understand you there, Kepler. I was also unexpectedly in hospital earlier this year so I know how hard it can be to deal with serious health problems, but also how teh experience can lead to some positive changes in lifestyle / relationships etc. I hope Quico makes a full recovery and I’m sure he will.


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